Believe with a Strong Belief

Many a times, we get showered down by passing comments from people on the things we do. In whatever you do, be it network marketing or holding a salaried job, you need to have a strong belief. A Strong Belief in the company, the system, your products and services. This will then keep you going strong when times are hard.

But how strong a belief is strong enough? Well, read the following story...

Tom and Jane are a married couple. Tom loves to read and watch anything related to vampires. He loves vampires to the extent that one day, he revealed to Jane that he was a vampire and only wanted to drink blood for dinner.

Jane then opened the windows and allow the sun rays to shine in. Tom immediately hid below the dining table and shouted for Jane to shut the windows. "I am a vampire. I will get burnt by the sun!"

Jane began to get worried with her husband. Finally, she decided to bring him to a psychologist. Tom wore a hood and sunglasses to avoid contact with the sun. The psychologist then told Tom, "Vampires do not have blood in their bodies. Now let me see whether you have it."

The psychologist then used a syringe to extract blood from Tom. To everyone's amaze, Tom yelled, "Wow! New Discovery! Vampires do indeed have blood in their bodies!"

A Strong Belief is what Tom portrayed. Even when everyone around you proves that what you are doing is wrong and cannot work out, you go on to believe. Believe with a Strong Belief.

How do you believe with a strong belief?

Well, in the network marketing context, attending more of the product training and systems training would give you a clearer picture of the whole platform. Ask questions and get them resolved. Set yourself a target and no one shall sway you from your path. With a strong belief, you can then prevent yourself from accepting failure easily...

Why some failed in networking?

Networking is not an easy journey. This is the business of rejections because not all are open-minded to networking. Networking has a derogatory word attached to it. When networking is mentioned, what comes to people’s mind is pyramiding or scam. This is because of the bad image some other MLM companies have brought to MLM industry. That is why it is advisable that you research first the background of the company before you joined. But there are companies who withstand the wear and tear of time like Amway. Amway is 50 years in the networking business and still going strong.
Just like distributors, they also come and go. Those who stayed, withstand the wear and tear of time and those who go usually, are not persistent with their goals. They are type of distributors that cannot stand rejections, so they quit. Not only rejections are the cause of their failure. These are some of the reasons basing on my observation.
1. Juan was hyped to join the business company. Meaning to say, Juan joined the business because the sponsor was so persuasive to the point of exaggeration that Juan signed-in. 
2. After Juan joined the business, the sponsor told Juan to just keep on making a prospect list and bring them to the office to listen to the business presentation. After following what the upline said, Juan invited his friends, relatives, officemates, etc only one came to listen to the business opportunity. Juan was told again and again to keep on inviting but this time no one came. So Juan quit in just 3 months time.
3. Juan was promised that he’ll be given downlines but since the sponsor is not a good leader and also finds it difficult to sponsor other people to join his team, Juan was not given a downline.

In networking, it is a two way processes
1. Invest your time, coaching and mentoring a new member of your team on how the business works and
2. The new member should also invest their time listening and learning for him to know  how the business works.
Without these two way processes, the team will not grow. In networking two things are important here, selling and power of leveraging. Leveraging means you are duplicating yourself through the time and efforts of other people. Once your team is growing, your earnings are also growing.
Let us be professional in networking. No hype or be pushy just to persuade someone to join your team because you want to earn money. Invest yourself first as a leader and everything follows.
I am not good in hyping but I am good in coaching & mentoring.
I hope you learn something.

6 Reasons Why Diet Is More Important Than Exercising For Weight Loss

For years now, exercise and physical exertion has been championed as the most effective vehicle for driving pronounced weight loss. While a viable exercise regime is certainly important and also capable of boosting productivity and easing stress, it is actually your diet that drives sustained weight loss.
If you are not convinced, here are the main reasons why diet is more important than exercise, along with some steps you can take to benefit from this.
1. Exercise alone cannot drive significant weight loss

Studies have proven that exercise alone cannot drive significant weight loss, primarily because the majority of us unknowingly compensate for the calories that we burn by being more physically active. Whether this is in the form of excess snacking or grab-and-go food choices, our subconscious eating habits can easily counteract the benefits of even the most strenuous daily exercise regime.

To negate this, commit to keeping a food diary that lists every single calorie that you consume (along with the intake of sugar and saturated fat). This will make your food choices abundantly clear and highlight any areas for immediate improvement.
2. Exercise increases your appetite

We have already touched on how regular exercise can trigger subconscious eating habits, and this is based on research which suggests that physical exertion actively increases your appetite and metabolism. Such studies have confirmed that those who adhere to rigid exercise regimes also tend to increase their calorie intake simultaneously, gradually negating the impact of their workouts over time.

To avoid this, restrict your diet at the start of your weight loss drive in a bid to optimize the impact of your exercise. Remember that feeling hungry is an inevitable side effect of losing weight and changing your dietary habits, so keep this in mind at all times. Then, you should only consider increasing your calorie intake as you increase the frequency or intensity of your workouts, while also regulating your snacks and meals throughout the course of an average day.
3. An increase in physical activity has not countered rising obesity levels

Between 2001 and 2009 in the US, the percentage of people who engaged in physical activity increased noticeably. This did not prevent the rise of obesity among US adults during the same period, however, which confirms that exercise is not enough to prevent weight gain or the onset of chronic dietary conditions.

This is a difficult challenge to circumvent, but it can be achieved by reviewing the nutritional values of every meal and snack that you consume. This will help you to regulate the amount of saturated fat and sugar that you eat on a regular basis, improving your overall health and optimizing the impact of any exercise that you undertake.
4. Food is the fuel source that drives exercise

Many people misunderstand the relationship that exists between food and exercise, but the fact remains that the former is an underlying fuel source that drives the latter. Without the right caloric intake, energy, and nutrients in your body, it is impossible to exercise effectively and achieve the weight loss that you desire.

You can benefit from these dynamics by ensuring that you fuel your body with the right foods to optimize your energy levels. Bananas and lean white meats are both excellent sources of natural energy, for example, and their consumption can help you to achieve your fitness goals and lose weight consistently.
5. Short-term weight loss is also driven by diet

We have focused on long-term results so far, but we live in an age where technological advancements and the pace of modern life have made us increasingly impatient. This drives the need for short-term results too, but even then diet is the most influential factor in driving rapid weight loss.

Experts estimate that weight loss generally consists of 75% diet and 25% exercise, while the former also holds the key to your efforts. Analysis of more than 700 weight loss studies underlined this, revealing that the majority of people saw the most obvious short-term results through eating smart and dieting. Keep this in mind when losing weight, as you initially focus on shedding excess calories before you consider undertaking cardiovascular exercise and toning regimes.
6. The mechanics of weight loss restrict the effectiveness of exercise

On a similar note, it is also important to note that the mechanics of weight loss restrict the effectiveness of exercise as a standalone endeavor. The American Dietetic Association confirms this, highlighting that it is almost impossible for overweight people to produce the required energy deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories per day without managing and reducing what they eat.

This is a fundamental rule of weight loss, so knowing this will save you time and help you to achieve your goals quicker. It should help to guide you when it comes to setting these goals in the first place, as you look to reduce your calorie intake responsibly and in a way that will reduce your weight both quickly and over time.
You can also burn your fats with the right nutrition. We recommend BURN products within 90 days taking BURN with exercise, you can shed out your pounds.
The BURN 90 PROGRAM Transform your life in 90 days.
Introducing a breakthrough weight management and body shaping systems based on highly innovative products. a simple eating plan and complete exercise program that unify your mind and body for a leaner, young looking you
Now is the time to start building and sexier,Happier, and healthier you.Lets get started and feel the burn
BURN Body Under Right Nutrition (BURN) 90 DAYS PROGRAM
1. Burn Slim Tablet
Appetite suppressant, increases body metabolism, burns fats.
A special proprietary blend of Garcinia Cambogia Etract ( Hydrocycitric Acid 60%) Green Tea Extract (Catechin 50% ) Conjugated Linoleic Acid, L-Carnitine and white kidney Bean Extract.

Power Appettite Suppresant.
Prevents Fats Storage
Improve your Heart Health.
Cure Gastric Issues.
Positive Stimulant for Brain


Maintain Body Weight.
Best drinks for diabetics
Regulate blood Pressure.
Prevent Cancer.
Anti Stress
Increase Brain Activity.


Increase metabolic rate.
Enhance Muscle Growth
Lower cholesterol and triglycerldes.
Lower Insulin
Reduce food Induced Allergic Reaction
Enhances Immune System


Aids Weight Loss.
Play and important role in energy production.
Improve mental performance and cognitive ability


Reduce Cholesterol.
Stabilises blood sugar..
Full of Iron.
Good for memory.
Anti-oxidant, Boost Energy,
heart attack Risk.

2. Burn Meal Replacement Shake
Replace your lunch or dinner with this shake. BURN Shake provides all the nutrients and energy our body needs plus fat burning ingredients.

Enjoy cookies and cream flavor.

Is a low calorie zero, saturated/transfat supplement which provides complete nutrition including protein and amino acid.

It’s a great tasting way to achieve your weight loss goal. BURN Meal Replacement Shake contains high protein which helps shake off hunger and other ingredients instrumental in weight loss such as HCA, L-carnittine, Aloe Vera Gel, Green Tea Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract and Guarana.

3. Liven Burn Coffee
Is made of premium Arabica Beans. Fortified with Complete , Phyto Energizer, Satiereal, Carnipure, Green Tea extract EFLA 942, Garcinia Cambogia and Anhydrous Caffeine,
the infusion of these ingredients are formulated to increase metabolism, energy and the feeling of satiety that support weight loss management.
4. Burn Mate Iced Tea
Frutarom with its patented EFLA hyperpure process technology , developed Finomate, a patented green mate leaf extract with human clinical studies providing efficacy on weight loss and increase of energy/vitality through multiple mechanism of action.
Adding Green Tea extract EFLA 942, Satiereal, Carnipure, Fibruline, these imported ingreadients with clinical studies on Satiety, metabolism and weight control will help you get in shape and achieve the body you desire.

Source of Article: Lifehack

If You Want A Better Sleep, Do These Things 30 Mins Before Bed

Sleep is one of the most essential elements that helps to shape our life. Without sleep, one is likely to suffer from fatigue, loss of concentration, physical ailments or psychological trouble. With the fast paced life that we all have, much of the time it is impossible to acquire the desired amount of sleep, leaving us weary by midday. It also makes us sleepy, and unable us to finish the works at hand properly.
There are multiple things you can do 30 minutes before bed. These things will assist you to a peaceful, sound sleep–something that we all require at the end of the day. First and foremost, before bed, one must not worry about whatever the stresses of the day. Or worry about your incomplete work, or things that will keep you awake. It is advisable to, as people say, sleep like a log.
This is not only about adults; children and younger individuals need their basic sleep as well for a healthier lifestyle. Here are some things you can do before bed if you want a better sleep.
Warm bath.
This applies to everyone regardless of age. Only keep in mind that since it is night time, it is better not to wash the hair. It will take more than half an hour to dry properly. A warm bath has the ability to de-stress you, helping you feel fresh. This freshness is effective to pull sleep over you. Have you noticed how babies tend to fall asleep right after a shower?

Be comfortable before bed.
After a warm bath, it is always advisable to wear fresh and comfortable clothes. Personally, I always feel comfortable in old clothes, that are nearly tearing apart. You know what I mean, right? Washed clothes that are loose fitting and soft are agreeable, making your skin breathe freely. Another way to be comfortable is to rub some lotion on your body. The sweet smell eases your brain. Also, brush your hair. Brushing makes your hair roots stronger, healthier, and tangle free.

Massage some light oil.
Light oil, or grease free oil has a special effect on relaxing the body. It is quite similar to the effect a warm bath has. Aromatic oil like almond, lavender, coconut, or even baby oil can be rubbed half an hour before bed. You can gently massage some oil on you and your baby’s hair. For you, take a shower in the morning. As for your baby, they can leave it as long as you want to. Of course, there is another benefit: you will get soft, bouncy, and manageable hair in the morning!

Meditation is a great way to relax your body and soul. If you know how to meditate, just do it for 30 minutes before bed. It will have a calming effect on you and will put you to deep sleep. If you have never meditated before, simply download some free tracks from online and follow the instructions. If you don’t have enough time for that, then allow yourself to do it on your own. Close your eyes, and follow your breathing. Breathe deeply, in and out. Focus all your attention to your breathing only. Divert your mind if you can’t concentrate. Practise this for few days, and you’ll be able to do it with ease later.

Fix your room temperature.
During summer, make sure your room temperature is cooler than the outer temperature. Do this 30 minutes before bed, so that once you enter the room, you will feel crisp. Meanwhile, during winter, make sure the heater is on half an hour prior to your sleep. The warm room will likewise warm your body, unwinding you and putting you to instant sleep.

Prepare your bed.
A well made bed is very inviting. The freshly puffed pillows, the blanket, or the duvet in its perfect position, and a nice bed sheet is more than enough to make you feel sleepy. Preparing your bed prior to your sleep requires minimum effort and time.

Listen to music.
Another thing you can do 30 minutes before bed is to listen to some soft music. With the lights dimmed, the room temperature controlled, you can turn on some soft instrumental, classical, or some soulful music, close your eyes, and concentrate. You will fall asleep in no time.

If you have a sleeping problem, we recommend that you take Restorylyf.
Here's why.
RestorLyf is a food supplement specially formulated to prolong one’s life! Regular intake can protect your heart, prevents inflammation and protects the mitochondria, the powerhouse of every cell. When these parts of the body are protected, a person may achieve longer life!
RestorLyf has comprehensive, unique and standardized Resveratrol Blend of powerful Longevity Polyphenols:
Japanese Knotweed
Premium Red Wine Extract
Grape Seed Extract
Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content)

Prolongs life span
Reduces signs of aging
Reverses degenerative diseases
Activates certain enzymes that regulate gene silencing and DNA repair
Increases SIRT1 genes to protect cells against free radical production and DNA damage, thereby reducing cell death
Mimics the effects of dietary restriction
Prevents pulmonary hypertension
Found to have a positive impact on obesity:
Hindered fat storage
Reduces levels of inflammatory compounds
Increased levels of adiponectin
Hormone that regulates fatty acid catabolism
Promotes sensitivity to insulin
Modulates pathomechanisms of debilitating neurological disorders, such as strokes, ischemia and Huntington's & Alzheimer's diseases
Prevent cigarette smoke stress and inflammation
Prevents DNA damage/modification
Prevents dysfunction in carotid arteries
Prevents smoking-induced cell death in the arteries and mitochondrial loss
Suggested Use: Take 2 capsules one to two times daily.

“Resveratrol activates Sirtuin enzymes that promote longer life span. And it has been proven through extensive experiments with yeast, worms, flies, fish and most recently with laboratory mice. Also reversing diseases associated with aging like cancer, diabetest, hypertension, arthritis, etc.” - National Institute of Aging

RestorLyf Longevity Formula is manufactured by Nature’s Way, a billion dollar company in Springville, Utah, USA. Nature’s Way has 45 years of research and development of herbal and nutritional science that made the company a recognized leader among all the nutritional and supplement companies in America. Making its mark as the pioneer of many breakthroughs in the advancement of good health and the supplement industry, Nature’s Way is known for its green leaf logo which represents health, life and nature. The company prides itself in the dedication to manufacture the finest products that consumers have attested to when they “trust the leaf” each time they buy and use Nature’s Way products.

Source of Article: Lifehack

What is business networking?

What is business networking? The first question that we asked first when we heard about it! Some are skeptical about business networking because of misconception and misconstrued this as a pyramiding. It is in this juncture that business networking should be expounded to give a profound perspective.
I researched what is the best explanation on the net and I love how Larry James explains the subject matter. Larry James knows networking! He is one of the foremost thought leaders on the quantifiable value of building business relationships through networking. He will help you get the BUZZ going!

Networking is about building supportive personal and business relationships; it's consistently meeting new people and making new friends, sharing ideas and having lots of fun in the process.
It is the reciprocal process of exchanging, leads, recommendations, and other valuable information, through networks of established relationships, in an effort to make business processes easier and more profitable.

It helps to establish referral networks, bolster name reputations and business branding, gain recognition and credibility, and strengthen relationship assets. Networking fuels business growth and can help further your career.
It assists you in benefiting from who you know by leveraging your relationships to increase business opportunities, advance your career, make new contacts, and much more."

"You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

Power networkers effectively use "word-of-mouth" strategies in creative ways to attract new customers and meet new people. Word-of-mouth marketing works because it is initiated from trusted sources and shared through a network of friends, family and acquaintances. It's also called "creating Buzz."
Referrals and recommendations are the most effective and the least expensive form of developing new business and obtaining business leads. To be effective in networking, you must be an investor in relationships. This site will help you master the skills necessary to effectively utilize existing connections and cultivate new ones.

Having a clear understanding of the definition of networking is a prerequisite for networking success. What you put out to the universe always comes back to you!
Successful business networkers are "go-givers!" They give without the expectation of getting! They know that unfulfilled expectations always cause problems; disappointment, anxiety, frustration and sometimes, intense displeasure. To avoid these maladies, they give up their expectations and focus on giving to help others!
"The first law of success is service! We get what we give, and for this reason we should consider it a great privilege to give." - Charles Haanel
With that being said, I hope this will give you a better bird’s eye view about business networking.


Source: Networking HQ

6 Things That Will Happen When You Start Drinking Coke Every Day

Ever since the 1830s, the consumption of soft drinks has steadily increased, with technological advances of the past few decades only making things worse. Policy makers and health care providers realized that the high consumption of sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages belongs to that category of dietary behaviors that has been identified as an important issue to address in the prevention and management of obesity and other related diseases.
If drinking Coca Cola or other soft drinks is part of your daily routine, prepare to experience the following:
1. You’ll unconsciously influence your dietary choices

When your parents told you to drink milk because it was healthy, they told you so because milk is truly a rich source of protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin A. However, numerous studies have indicated that a high level of soft drink consumption (especially coke), is associated with the displacement of healthier food and beverage choices. What this means is that if people are drinking coke on a regular/daily basis, they are more likely to be deficient in a large number of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres due to their dietary choices (Harnack et al. 1999; Ballew et al. 2000).

As a matter of fact, other longitudinal studies at the population level have found that milk consumption has decreased over time and that this has directly correlated with an increase in soft drink consumption (Lytle et al. 2000; Blum et al. 2005; Striegel-Moore et al. 2006).
Conclusion: The displacement of milk and reduced intake of calcium as a consequence can easily have short-and long-term implications for overall bone health, so make sure that you limit your intake of Coke to 1 small cup a day, or even less/none if possible.
2. You’ll likely develop dental caries and dental erosion

The regular consumption of soft drinks has also been associated with enamel erosion and dental caries due to their large sugar content and high acidity. In a joint report conducted by the WHO and FAO in 2003, evidences indicated a close relationship between soft drink consumption and risk of dental erosion to be ‘probable’ while the evidence pertaining to free sugars causing dental caries were found to be ‘convincing.’

A recent review of soft drinks and dental health concluded that it is the low pH of these drinks that may lead to the erosion of enamel surface while the high sugar content is believed to be metabolized by plaque micro-organisms to generate organic acids that bring about demineralization leading to dental caries (Tahmassebi et al. 2006).

Therefore, the Australian Dental Association discourages the frequent consumption of both soft drinks and diet soft drinks, or any kind of sports drinks and fruit juices for that matter, due to their high sugar and/or acid content. (Australian Dental Association 2002).
3. You’ll likely develop bone fractures

Consumption of cola and other soft drinks has also been associated with a decrease in bone mineral density and an increase in the frequency of bone fractures in both children and adults (Petridou et al. 1997;Wyshak 2000; McGartland et al. 2003). Wrist and forearm fractures were found to be more and more frequent in children between the age of 9 and 16 due to the overwhelming presence of soft drinks and their high caffeine content. (Ma and Jones 2004).

Cola and other carbonated soft drinks were also found to be detrimental to bone mineral density in women due to their high caffeine content (Tucker et al. 2006). The reason for that is because Caffeine has been identified as a catalyst for increasing the excretion of calcium in the urine, which is a leading and potential contributor to osteoporosis (Kynast-Gales and Massey 1994).
Excessive consumption of Cola and other carbonated soft drinks may lead to low bone mineral density, bone fractures, osteoporosis (causes bones to become weak and brittle) and even hypocalcemia (low serum calcium).
4. You’ll increase your chances of developing chronic diseases

Other alarming studies have also surfaced in the past few years. According to the US Framingham Heart Study, the consumption of greater than or equal to 350 ml soft drink per day (that would be 1 can) was already associated with an increased risk of obesity, an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, impaired fasting glucose, increased waist circumference, high blood pressure, higher low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (higher LDL levels put you at greater risk for a heart attack from a sudden blood clot in an artery), and even hypertriglyceridemia (high cholesterol levels) (Dhingra et al. 2007).

Similarly, the US Nurses Health Study II found that those women who consumed one or more sugar-sweetened beverages per day had an elevated risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those who consumed less than one of these beverages a month. (Schulze et al. 2004).
Both the US Framingham Heart Study and the US Nurses Health Study II agreed on the fact that the consumption of greater than or equal to 350 ml soft drink per day may lead to the development of a series of chronic cardiovascular diseases, such as metabolic syndrome or high blood pressure, just to mention a few.
5. You’ll likely experience adverse side-effects due to increased caffeine intake

Cola-type soft drinks containing caffeine have the largest share of the beverages market all over the world. Caffeine, whether we admit or not, is a mildly addictive drug that occurs naturally in tea, coffee and chocolate, but it is soft drinks that serve as the very main source of caffeine in children’s diet. The levels of caffeine content in soft drinks are in the range of between 40-50 mg per 375 ml can, which is the equivalent to one cup of strong coffee.

A strong link has been identified between caffeine in coke and bone health, as indicated above. In addition, several studies have confirmed a firm link between cola drinks and kidney stones (Rodgers 1999; Massey and Sutton 2004).
Caffeine insensitivity (the extent to which someone is responding to the effect of caffeine) is also a side-effect of excessive caffeine intake. Ideally, the smaller one is, the less caffeine one would require to reap the stimulating benefits, such as increased energy and attention, enhanced mood and motivation as well as enhanced motor activity. However, we must note here that these effects can only be reaped if taken in small doses – 20-200 mg (Smith et al. 2000).
Negative effects have also been determined, especially in young children and adults, that may include more harm than potential benefits: disturbed sleep patterns, bedwetting, and anxiety along with a number of withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, decreased alertness, or even depressed mood and irritability can be experienced 6–24 hours after caffeine abstinence. (Juliano and Griffiths 2004).
Cola-type soft drinks contain caffeine in the range of between 40-50 mg per 375 ml can that, if over consumed, can easily lead to the development of kidney stones and caffeine insensitivity along with a large number of withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, decreased alertness, depressed mood and irritability.
6. You’ll risk the development of cancer due to the presence of Benzene

There has been a recent movement towards regulating Benzene levels in drinking water and bottled water both nationally and internationally. However, the presence of benzoic acid in soft drinks is not that strictly regulated that has spurred some environmental and public concern towards a more closer regulation of this chemical in these drinks. The reason why benzoic acid is so hazardous is because it works as a catalyst when it comes into contact with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and metal ions (such as iron or copper) to form the chemical known as Benzene, a known cancer-causing chemical(carcinogen). The chemical reaction usually takes place when when we are exposed to heat or light.

The Food and Drug Administration initiated public trials to test the level of benzene in soft drinks all across the country. 4 out of 100 products were found to contain levels of benzene above the 5 ppm barrier, which is the officially acceptable limit for drinking water. (CFSAN/Office of Food Additive Safety 2007).
Since 2005, these products were significantly reformulated and the FDA believes that the levels of benzene found in soft drinks should no longer be a cause for alarm. However, there are still companies that either cannot or would not devote extra time and effort to monitor the level of acceptable benzene content in their products. Therefore, general recommendations are that you should not consume more than 1 can of cola a week. Better safe than sorry, right?
Due to high levels of Benzene in cola and other carbonated soft drinks, you are more likely to develop cancer if more than 1 can of soft drink is consumed per week. Benzene is a known cancer-causing chemical (carcinogen).
Do not get me wrong though: I did not say that consuming these beverages here and there will cause all these aforementioned symptoms. These symptoms and side-effects may appear in case of those who have a daily habit of drinking carbonated soft-drinks, such as coke or fruit juices. If you love soft drinks, and there is no way you would give it up, at least try to limit the amount you consume. Being considerate with your health will pay off, trust me!
Now, share the things that you have learned here with a friend or family member who has been drinking too much coke recently! Why? Because your advice may easily save their life once!
Source: Lifehack
With the fast pace life, we cannot avoid drinking soda drinks like coca-cola oblivious to us the side effect. We recommend that you take C24/7 to help boost your immune system. C24/7 keeps the doctor away. Prevention is always better than cure.

Source: Lifehack

The True Power Of The Mind

Have you ever taken a second to ponder how incredibly powerful and effective the mind is? We are usually quick in identifying those who are positive beings as well as those who live in the confines of fear and negativity. Whether the mind generates positive or negative thoughts, those thoughts directly contribute creating the day-to-day reality we experience, which in turn affects whether we achieve greatness or sink well below the surface. We were created to reach mental and physical levels far beyond the imagination, but only if we become bigger than our fears and negativity.
Hara Estroff Marano, editor in chief of “Psychology Today” magazine, reports that the average person produces anywhere between 25,000 and 50,000 thoughts per day. Think about it this way, a person generates more thoughts than there are minutes in a single day! Familiar thoughts include those which are positive and self-affirming, reflections of what we need to do for the day, and those which are filled with worry and fear.
Keeping in mind the thousands of thoughts that enter our mind in a single day, it is beneficial to understand that our thoughts are intrinsically and directly linked to our actions. For example, if we allow our mind to think negative thoughts, we will naturally remain more pessimistic and live a more un-constructive lifestyle. Since thoughts directly affect our actions, we then carry ourselves in a negative or sloppy way. Having an adverse mindset literally weakens the immune system, drains the body’s energy and dwindles hopes and aspirations.
In today’s society, we tend to chase after and acquire the tangibles in order to live happier and more confident lifestyles. But, there is nothing more powerful than a changed mindset. If we change everything on the outside without adjusting our inward being, the same practice will continue over and over again. By thoroughly switching our thinking to a manner that is more positive, we will actually live our lives and carry ourselves in a more influential way. The power of positive thinking can change circumstances and allow us to conquer anything we set our minds to.
In order to take hold of an improved way of thinking, we need to first work on our inner being. Following these four tips can help you on your journey to renewing your mind:
1. Understand the importance of thought. You can begin to understand its significance by researching via the Internet or reading books and magazines that relate to the mind.

2. Heighten your everyday self-awareness. You can increase your awareness by simply being mindful of the positive and/or negative words that come out of your mouth. It would be helpful to have a friend or family member to hold you accountable for negativity.
3. Think about what you are thinking about. Whether you feel spirits of happiness and determination or notice a lack of confidence and energy, it is essential to connect those feelings with your thoughts at that moment. Once you can easily link thoughts with actions, it will be easier to control your thinking. I believe this is the most important aspect merely because you alone are in charge of what goes on in your head and, unaccompanied by others, you must hold yourself accountable.
4. Recognize and believe the notion that whatever you think in your heart, so you are. By doing everything you can physically do and by trusting yourself to the very core of your being, you are destined to achieve whatever you seek to accomplish.

Source: Odyssey 


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Mosquitoes: The Most Dangerous Animal on Earth?

Mosquitoes are perhaps the most dangerous animals in the world. They are the primary vectors for major human diseases such as yellow fever, malaria and dengue fever.
Mosquitoes infect humans with the Zika virus, yellow fever, dengue, malaria, and other diseases. Why are they so dangerous and what’s being done about it?
Mosquitoes have bedeviled humans for centuries, spreading disease and death to millions. Today, the latest plague they bring is the Zika virus.
“Mosquitoes are perhaps the most dangerous animals in the world,” Omar Akbari, PhD, an assistant professor of entomology at the Center for Disease Vector Research at the University of California Riverside, told Healthline. “They are the primary vectors for major human diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, and dengue fever, which together infect hundreds of millions of humans worldwide and kill millions each year.”
The World Health Organization, he added, reports that more than 50 percent of the world’s population is presently at risk from mosquito-borne diseases.
Mosquitoes are perhaps the most dangerous animals in the world. They are the primary vectors for major human diseases such as yellow fever, malaria and dengue fever.
Omar Akbari, University of California Riverside
Zika and other insect-borne diseases are traveling quickly with new reports every week.
On February 2, Texas reported a case of Zika infection transmitted by sex, rather than by a mosquito bite. The patient was infected after sexual contact with someone who had returned from Venezuela, where the virus is spreading.
On February 9, the big island of Hawaii declared a state of emergency to deal with an outbreak of dengue fever, spread by infected mosquitoes. Since October, 250 cases have been confirmed on the island.
Mosquitoes Tough to Fight

Current methods of preventing mosquito-borne diseases are highly inefficient, Akbari said.

While crucial mosquito research is under way in university labs, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is also engaged in the global war against life-threatening diseases.
Dr. Lyle Peterson, MPH, leads the CDC’s fight against insect-borne diseases. Peterson is director of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases in Colorado.
The center supports the CDC’s mission to protect the American public from exotic and domestic bacterial and viral pathogens transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and other vectors.
Peterson told Healthline that the Zika virus was discovered in the mid-20th century in Africa.
“In 1947, the virus was first isolated from a rhesus monkey found in the Zika forest of Uganda,” he said. “Before 2007, at least 14 cases of human Zika virus disease had been documented in the literature, although other cases were likely to have occurred and were not published.”
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Mosquitoes Are Effective Transmitters

Since Zika was first reported in Brazil in 2015, cases have exploded in 24 countries or territories. The virus is spreading rapidly because mosquitoes are more effective transmitters of disease than even flies.

“Mosquitoes spread disease-causing agents, not the disease,” Peterson said. “They bite people to consume blood. Feeding allows the mosquito to produce eggs. When feeding, a mosquito pierces the skin like a needle and injects saliva into a person’s skin. This allows the disease-causing agent – for example, the Zika virus – into the site.”
Only a small fraction of fly species, however, will bite people, Peterson said. When a fly bites, it creates a wound and drinks blood from the site.
“When a fly bites, it does not directly inject saliva into the bite like a mosquito does,” Peterson explained. “Some diseases are transmitted by flies. But because fly feeding habits are different from mosquito biting habits, fewer pathogens are transmitted through fly bites.”
Since mosquitoes fly, they can also spread a disease more quickly than an illness such as Ebola, which is transmitted from person to person.
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Using Genes to Battle Mosquitoes

The Zika virus and other major deadly diseases are spread by just one of the world’s 3,500 species of mosquito.

Akbari’s research concentrates on Aedes aegypti or Asian tiger mosquito, common in the United States. It’s the major vector for dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika.
Akbari wants to introduce and spread genes within the mosquito population that prevent the next generation of insects from transmitting a pathogen. In theory, that should reduce transmission of a virus, with a consequent reduction in infections or deaths, he said.
“To test this hypothesis,” Akbari said, “first we need a broad understanding of mosquito biology that we can use to develop gene-based strategies for engineering mosquitoes that are resistant to pathogens.
Then we need to engineer mosquitoes that are resistant to all types of infections. Finally, we need to develop tools to rapidly ‘drive’ these laboratory-developed genes into wild mosquito populations.”
Together, this approach conceivably can provide a foundation that has the potential to revolutionize vector control of mosquitoes, he said.
Akbari’s work at his U.C. Riverside lab is supported by a National Institutes of Health Career Transition Award, a grant from the California Cherry Board, and a private donation.
“We are a brand-new new lab,” he said, “but we hope to have results by sometime in early 2017.”

To help the patient fight against virus transmitted by mosquitoes, we recommend complete phyto-energizer. Yesterday, I was alarmed to hear that my friends here said that they are sick and they are scared that it might be malaria. In the Philippines, we recommend complete phyto-energizer to patients with dengue. Dengue is a virus transmitted by mosquito bites. Here's the benefits of complete phyto-energizer.

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Source: Healthline