What is business networking?

What is business networking? The first question that we asked first when we heard about it! Some are skeptical about business networking because of misconception and misconstrued this as a pyramiding. It is in this juncture that business networking should be expounded to give a profound perspective.
I researched what is the best explanation on the net and I love how Larry James explains the subject matter. Larry James knows networking! He is one of the foremost thought leaders on the quantifiable value of building business relationships through networking. He will help you get the BUZZ going!

Networking is about building supportive personal and business relationships; it's consistently meeting new people and making new friends, sharing ideas and having lots of fun in the process.
It is the reciprocal process of exchanging, leads, recommendations, and other valuable information, through networks of established relationships, in an effort to make business processes easier and more profitable.

It helps to establish referral networks, bolster name reputations and business branding, gain recognition and credibility, and strengthen relationship assets. Networking fuels business growth and can help further your career.
It assists you in benefiting from who you know by leveraging your relationships to increase business opportunities, advance your career, make new contacts, and much more."

"You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

Power networkers effectively use "word-of-mouth" strategies in creative ways to attract new customers and meet new people. Word-of-mouth marketing works because it is initiated from trusted sources and shared through a network of friends, family and acquaintances. It's also called "creating Buzz."
Referrals and recommendations are the most effective and the least expensive form of developing new business and obtaining business leads. To be effective in networking, you must be an investor in relationships. This site will help you master the skills necessary to effectively utilize existing connections and cultivate new ones.

Having a clear understanding of the definition of networking is a prerequisite for networking success. What you put out to the universe always comes back to you!
Successful business networkers are "go-givers!" They give without the expectation of getting! They know that unfulfilled expectations always cause problems; disappointment, anxiety, frustration and sometimes, intense displeasure. To avoid these maladies, they give up their expectations and focus on giving to help others!
"The first law of success is service! We get what we give, and for this reason we should consider it a great privilege to give." - Charles Haanel
With that being said, I hope this will give you a better bird’s eye view about business networking.


Source: Networking HQ

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