Why some failed in networking?

Networking is not an easy journey. This is the business of rejections because not all are open-minded to networking. Networking has a derogatory word attached to it. When networking is mentioned, what comes to people’s mind is pyramiding or scam. This is because of the bad image some other MLM companies have brought to MLM industry. That is why it is advisable that you research first the background of the company before you joined. But there are companies who withstand the wear and tear of time like Amway. Amway is 50 years in the networking business and still going strong.
Just like distributors, they also come and go. Those who stayed, withstand the wear and tear of time and those who go usually, are not persistent with their goals. They are type of distributors that cannot stand rejections, so they quit. Not only rejections are the cause of their failure. These are some of the reasons basing on my observation.
1. Juan was hyped to join the business company. Meaning to say, Juan joined the business because the sponsor was so persuasive to the point of exaggeration that Juan signed-in. 
2. After Juan joined the business, the sponsor told Juan to just keep on making a prospect list and bring them to the office to listen to the business presentation. After following what the upline said, Juan invited his friends, relatives, officemates, etc only one came to listen to the business opportunity. Juan was told again and again to keep on inviting but this time no one came. So Juan quit in just 3 months time.
3. Juan was promised that he’ll be given downlines but since the sponsor is not a good leader and also finds it difficult to sponsor other people to join his team, Juan was not given a downline.

In networking, it is a two way processes
1. Invest your time, coaching and mentoring a new member of your team on how the business works and
2. The new member should also invest their time listening and learning for him to know  how the business works.
Without these two way processes, the team will not grow. In networking two things are important here, selling and power of leveraging. Leveraging means you are duplicating yourself through the time and efforts of other people. Once your team is growing, your earnings are also growing.
Let us be professional in networking. No hype or be pushy just to persuade someone to join your team because you want to earn money. Invest yourself first as a leader and everything follows.
I am not good in hyping but I am good in coaching & mentoring.
I hope you learn something.

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