Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

Could a medical problem or medication be to blame?

You're following a weight-loss eating plan. You're exercising almost every day. You're proud of the new healthy habits you've learned. Yet week after week, the scale barely seems to budge. What gives?
Chances are your food portion sizes have crept up (time to get out the scales and measuring cups again). Or your workouts may not be quite as intense as you think (start checking that heart rate).
But if you know you've followed your reducing plan religiously, there's another possibility: A medical condition -- or medication -- may be to blame.
"If you haven't been able to lose weight and you can't understand why, you need to determine whether there's a medical condition underlying your weight problem," says Peter LePort, MD, director of the Smart Dimensions Bariatric Program at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in California. "You need to cure that problem first before you can address the weight issue."

Medical Reasons for Weight Gain

Several conditions can cause weight gain or hinder weight loss, says Rebecca Kurth, MD, director of PrimeCare at Columbia-Presbyterian Eastside and associate professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University.
Among them, Kurth says, are:

  • Chronic stress . When you live with anxiety, stress, or grief, your body can produce chemical substances -- like the hormone cortisol -- that make your body more likely to store fat, especially around the waist. That's the type of weight gain that really increases your risk of serious health problems. (Extra weight around the hips and thighs poses fewer health risks.)
  • Cushing's syndrome . This happens when the adrenal glands (located on top of each kidney) produce too much cortisol, which leads to a buildup of fat in the face, upper back, and abdomen.
  • Hypothyroidism . If your thyroid is underactive, your body may not produce enough thyroid hormone to help burn stored fat. As a result, your metabolism is slower and you will store more fat than you burn -- especially if you're not physically active.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This disease, the result of a hormonal imbalance, afflicts more than 5 million women in the US. Common symptoms are irregular menstrual bleeding, acne, excessive facial hair, thinning hair, difficulty getting pregnant, and weight gain that is not caused by excessive eating.
  • Syndrome X. Also called insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia (high insulin levels), syndrome X goes hand-in-hand with weight gain. Syndrome X is a cluster of health conditions thought to be rooted in insulin resistance. When your body is resistant to the hormone insulin, other hormones that help control your metabolism don't work as well.
  • Depression . Many people who are depressed turn to eating to ease their emotional distress.
  • Hormonal changes in women. Some women may gain weight at times in their lives when there is a shift in their hormones -- at puberty, during pregnancy, and at menopause.
Two other considerations: people tend to gain weight with age for unknown reasons, and though it's not a medical condition, drinking alcohol in moderate to excessive amounts can sabotage your efforts to lose weight. Alcohol (including beer and wine) is a refined carbohydrate, similar to sugar, candy, and white flour. Besides adding calories, alcohol may raise blood sugar and insulin levels, which can contribute to weight gain.

A Prescription for Weight Gain?

It's not only medical conditions that can add pounds. Some medications can also cause you to gain weight, or keep you from losing it, says Ken Fujioka, MD, medical director of the Scripps Clinic Nutrition and Metabolism Research Center in San Diego.
"It's very common for medications to cause weight gain," says Fujioka, noting that approximately 25% of his patients are on medication or have an illness that is causing them to gain weight.
Among the medications that may cause weight gain in some people are:

The reasons certain medications cause weight gain can vary and are not always known, says Fujioka.
Antipsychotic drugs, for example, may increase appetite as well as lower the metabolic rate (the rate at which your body burns calories). Beta-blockers are thought to lower a person's metabolic rate by about 80 calories a day. And hormone replacement therapy increases the body's level of estrogen, a fat-storing hormone.
"Weight gain is a very troublesome -- and unpredictable -- side effect of certain medications," says Arthur Frank, MD, director of the George Washington University Weight Management Program. "You can experience a substantial weight gain if you're sensitive to that particular medication."
But if you're gaining weight on one medication, your doctor may be able to help you find a similar drug that won't have the same effect. For example, an older class of antidepressants known as tricyclics may cause weight gain, while a newer class of depression medication called SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) usually doesn't, says Fujioka. SSRIs include Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft.
Medications cause weight gain in both men and women, but because women gain weight more easily than men in general, and have a harder time losing it, they may notice more added pounds than men taking the same medication.

Work With Your Doctor

It seems obvious, but bears repeating: If you suspect you are having trouble with weight loss because you have a medical condition or medication, talk to your doctor right away.
And don't give up on getting fit. Although it is difficult to lose weight gained because of a medical condition or medication, it's not impossible, says Frank.
"Monitor your weight closely," he advises, "and if you see that you're gaining weight, tell your doctor so that he can see about switching your medications."
Changing your diet and getting more exercise can also help you lose the weight, although it might take you longer than it otherwise would. But remember, if you have any sort of medical condition, you should be carefully monitored while trying to lose weight.
If you have diabetes, for example, says Fujioka, eating less and exercising more can cause your blood sugar to fall too quickly. "Diabetics should be under close medical supervision when trying to lose weight," Fujioka says.
No matter what your medical condition is, if it's causing you to gain weight, don't try to manage the problem yourself, says Rebecca Kurth, MD, associate professor for clinical medicine at Columbia University.
"Talk to your physician," Kurth advises. "Don't overburden yoursel

Do you have a problem losing weight? Tak the 90 days challenge by taking BURN products.

BURN – Slim

BURN Slim Tablet – a special proprietary blend of:
1. Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HydrocyCitric Acid 60%)
2. Green Tea Extract (Catechin 50%)
3. Conjugated Linoleic Acid
4. L-Carnitine
5. White Kidney Bean Extract

These are the Ingredients and health benefits in Using BURN Slim Tablet:
1. Garcinia Cambogia Extract
> Power Appetite Suppressant
> Prevents Fats Storage
> Improve your heart Health
> Cure Gastric Issues
> Positive Stimulant for Brain
2. Green Tea Extract
> Maintain Body Weight
> Best Drink for Diabetes
> Regulate Blood Pressure
> Prevent Cancer
> Anti Stress
> Increase Brain Activity
3. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
> Increase Metabolic Rate
> Enhance Muscle Growth
> Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
> Lower Insulin Resistance
> Induced Allergic Reaction
> Enhances Immune System
4. L- Carnitine
> Aids weight Loss
> Play an Important role in energy Production
> Improve Mental Performance and Cognitive Ability
5. White Kidney Bean Extract
> Reduce Cholesterol
> Stabilizes Blood Sugar
> Full of Iron
> Good For memory
> Anti oxidant
> Boost Energy
> Lower heart attack risk

Take 1-3 Tablets a day, must be taken 30 Minutes before meals.

BURN – Meal Replacement Shake

BURN MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKE – is a low calorie (111 cal), zero saturated/transfat supplement which provides complete nutrition including protein and amino acid. It’s a great-tasting way to achieve your weight loss goal.
Burn Meal Replacement Shake contains high protein which help shake off hunger and other ingredients instrumental in weight loss such as HCA, L-carnitine, Aloe Vera Gel, Green Tea Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract and Guarana.

Soy Protein Isolate
Mixed Cereal Powder(Unpolished Rice, Barley, Milled Rice, Corn, Glutinous Rice, Black Bean, Black Sesame, Black Rice, Adlay, Sorghum)
Cocoa Powder
Cookies & Cream Flavor Powder
Garcinia Cambogia Extract Powder(HCA)
Mixed Fruit Concentrate Powder
Mixed Fruit Concentrate (Orange, Mango, Passion Fruit, Guava, Banana)
Fish Collagen
Amino Acid Mixed Powder
Green Tea Extract Powder
Green Coffee Bean Extract
Guarana Extract Powder
Aloe Vera Gel Powder
Papain Powder
Price: Php 1300.00
Contents:15 sachets/servings
Flavor: Cookies and Cream
Take 1 sachet(30grams) mixed with 200mL of milk or water
(Milk 200mL = 130cal)
Consume 1-2 sachets/day

BURN – Liven Alkaline Coffee

LIVEN BURN COFFEE is made of premium Arabica beans,Satiereal, Carnipure, Green Tea Extract EFLA 942, Garcinia Cambogia and Anhydrous Caffeine.

The infusion of these ingredients are formulated to increase metabolism, energy and the feeling of satiety that support weight loss management.

BURN – Mate Iced Tea

Here’s a refreshingly healthy Mate Iced Tea that you and your body will surely enjoy!

The Guarani natives in South America (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina) traditionally used dried or roasted leaves of Yerba Mate or Green Mate Tree Ilex Paraguarensis as tea for its natural medicinal purposes.
Now, popularly known as the “Green Gold of Indios”, Frutarom, with its patented EFLA Hyperpure process technology, developed Finomate, a patented green mate leaf extract with human clinical studies providing efficacy on weight loss and increase of energy/vitality through multiple mechanisms of action.
Adding Green Tea extract, EFLA 942, Satieral, Carnipure, Fibruline, these imported ingredients with clinical studies on Satiety, metabolism and weight control will help you get in shape and achieve the body you desire.
1. Micro-crystalline Cellulose
2. Fibruline Finomate EFLA 920
3. Citric Acid
4. Lemon-Lime Flavour
5. Mineral Salts
6. Xanthan Gum
7. Satiereal
8. Green Tea Extract EFLA 942
9. Carnipure
10. Stevia
11. Green Food Colour

Drink up! Exercise… and feel the BURN!
Mix 1 sachet with 500mL water. Add ice to enjoy!


Source: WebMD

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