10 Simple Ayurvedic Tips To Avoid Sickness and Stay Healthy Life Long

There is a genuine desire by people for alternative medical solutions to their health concerns. One very credible alternative medical practice that is fast gaining popularity is the Ayurvedic alternative medical practice. The belief of this practice entails that a person maintains clear daily health routines to be able to stay healthy for the rest of their natural lives.
There are 10 tips that the Ayurvedic practice has on offer to help anyone wishing to stay strong and healthy always, here are the tips!
1.    Consume Water First Thing In The Morning
When you wake up and before you have breakfast and also on an empty stomach, drink one glass of lukewarm water. You will stimulate your bowels when you do and avoid constipation problems.
2.            Engage In Regular Exercise
You need to workout at least 2 to 3 times per week, when you do, you will be sure to stay healthy always. You can go to a gym in order to keep up the outline and avoid breaks.
3.            Consume Food In Sufficient Amounts
Do not under and overeat, consume foods that should be sufficient to sustain the energy requirements of your body weight.

4.            Consume Foods In A Conducive Environment
Try to consume your meals in a peaceful setting, one that is free from work and noise from your T.V or radio set.
5.            Always Eat In Moderation
You need to consume small amounts of food at a time, your body will be better equipped to digest the food faster this way. Avoid consuming large amounts of food late in the night just before bedtime to avoid acid reflux, bloating, indigestion and constipation.
6.            Consume Meals 4 To 5 Hours Apart
You will do your digestive system a whole lot of good, when you consume your meals 4 to 5 hours apart, as this gives the digestive system sufficient time to work and act properly.
7.            Try Out Oileation
You can try out this Ayurvedic body massage involving the use of an essential oil that is massaged into your body by a professional masseur. It is soothing and helps to relieve you from stress, anxiety, and depression.
8.            Know More About Your Body
Everyone has a unique and peculiar body, it is important that you do not leave the understanding of your body to your doctor alone, but you carry out a concerted effort to fully understand what your body likes and dislikes in terms of food, drinks, environment and so on. This way you will be able to know when something is wrong with you.
9.            Keep To A Precise Routine
You need to maintain a daily, adjusts weekly and even monthly routine. This sets your circadian rhythm, your body an adjust to this and you will remain healthy as long as you do not break the rhythm too often.
10.         Avoid Ice Cold Beverages And Water
While ice cold beverages and water may seem refreshing during and after a meal, they can actually constrict your colon and slow down the digestive process causing indigestion and constipation concerns.

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