Lemon with Garlic Mixture: The Most Powerful Mix For Cleaning Any Heart Blockage

When you combine two foods namely, organic lemon and garlic; you create a natural remedy to help you clear any blockage to your heart that prevents it from functioning effectively. Lemon is a citrus fruit that is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, while garlic is a herb that is popular for its use as a culinary ingredient, but has for long been used by alternative medical practitioners in the treatment of several ailments. When these two ingredients are mixed, they can help in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body, this helps to prevent the risk of plaque buildup up in the arteries and also lower your risk of cardiovascular issues, such as; stroke and heart attack.
While there are commercial medications that are currently available to help you lower your bad cholesterol levels and help to cleanse your arteries of plaque buildup up, most of these drugs have very harsh side effects that can cause more harm than good to your health. It is advisable that you try out a natural remedy consisting of garlic and organic lemon, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Here’s what you need to prepare this amazing cardiovascular system boosting recipe:
·         Garlic juice – 1 cup
·         Organic lemon juice (fresh) – 2 cups
·         Apple cider vinegar (ACV) – 1 cup
·         Ginger juice – 1 cup

Preparation And Use
·         Boil all the ingredients for a period of 30 minutes.
·         Leave the ingredients at room temperature to cool, then incorporate them in a blender and blend until you derive a smooth, homogeneous mixture.
·         Pour out this mixture in a glass bottle or jar, close its lid and refrigerate.
·         You should consume a single tablespoon of this recipe daily and for a period of 21 days, preferably in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach.
·         After a 21 day course, take a break for five days and then start a fresh course of 21 days.
You will be astounded by the results after the first course, as your cardiovascular health will improve significantly.
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