The Top 10 Deadliest Diseases

1. Coronary Artery Disease (Ischemic Heart Disease)
The deadliest disease in the world is coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD, also called ischemic heart disease, occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 7.4 million people died of ischemic heart disease in 2012. That was about 13.2 percent of all deaths.
In the United States, about 600,000 people die of heart disease every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That makes it the deadliest disease in the U.S., as well as the world. In the U.S. the most common type of heart disease is CAD, which takes about 380,000 lives each year.
Among the risk factors are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking. Regular exercise, good nutrition, and weight control can help lower your risk of developing CAD.
Where you live matters. Although it’s still the leading cause of death, mortality rates have declined in many European countries and in the United States. This may be due to better prevention and access to quality healthcare. However, in many developing nations, mortality rates due to CAD are on the rise.
2. Stroke
A stroke is when an artery in the brain is blocked or leaks. Oxygen-deprived brain cells begin to die within minutes.
Stroke was responsible for 6.7 million deaths around the world in 2012, according to WHO. That figure represents about 11.9 percent of all deaths. CDC figures show that nearly 130,000 people in the United States die of stroke each year — that’s one person every four minutes. About one in four strokes occur in people who have had a prior stroke. Stroke is also a leading cause of disability.
Risk factors for stroke are similar to those for CAD. In general, good health habits can lower your risks.
3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
COPD is a chronic, progressive lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are types of COPD.
About 3.1 million deaths were attributed to COPD in 2012, according to WHO. That represents about 5.6 percent of deaths, a rate that has held steady since 2000. In 2004, about 64 million people around the world were living with COPD.
The main cause of COPD is tobacco — and that means secondhand smoke, too. Another factor is air pollution, both indoors and out. COPD affects men and women at about the same rate. There’s no cure for COPD, but its progression can be slowed down with medication.
The American Lung Association estimates that in 2011, 12.7 million adults in the United States had COPD, but even more showed some sign of lung problems. There’s a great variation in the number of cases from state to state. In 2011, about 4 percent of people in Minnesota and Washington had COPD. In Alabama and Kentucky, it was more than 9 percent.
4. Lower Respiratory Infections

WHO estimates that lower respiratory infections caused about 3.1 million, or 5.5 percent of deaths in 2012. This group of diseases includes pneumonia, bronchitis, and influenza.
Flu season lasts from December through February in the Northern Hemisphere and from June through August in the Southern Hemisphere. The risk is year round in tropical regions.
According to the CDC, about 20 percent of travelers returning to the United States seek medical attention for respiratory infection following a trip. Packed cruise ships, hotels, and other close quarters increase risk of transmission and outbreaks of disease.
5. Trachea, Bronchus, and Lung Cancers

Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer are all respiratory cancers. The main causes of this type of cancer are smoking, second-hand smoke, and environmental toxins.
WHO estimates that in 2012, 1.6 million people died from trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers. These cancers represent about 2.9 percent of all deaths globally.
HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus. It’s a virus that attacks the immune system. HIV can cause AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is a chronic, life-threatening condition.
According to the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), since the start of the pandemic, almost 39 million people have died due to HIV/AIDS. In 2013, about 1.5 million people lost their lives to AIDS. That’s about 2.7 percent of deaths worldwide.
By the end of 2012, 35.3 million people around the world were infected with HIV. Every day, about 5,700 more become infected.
Rates vary dramatically by geographical location. HIV is rampant in sub-Saharan Africa, where almost one in 20 adults has it. The region is home to 70 percent of all people who have HIV. Sadly, it’s also home to 91 percent of the HIV-positive children in the world.
7. Diarrheal Diseases
Diarrhea is when you pass three or more loose stools a day. When diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body loses too much water and salt. Death is due to dehydration. Diarrhea is usually caused by an intestinal infection transmitted through viruses, bacteria, or even parasites. This type of infection can easily spread through contaminated water or food. It’s particularly widespread in developing nations that have poor sanitary conditions.
WHO estimates that 1.5 million people died from diarrheal diseases in 2012, which comprises about 2.7 percent of deaths. Fortunately, that’s down from 2.2 million in 2000. Diarrheal disease is the second top killer of children under age five. Tragically, about 760,000 children die from diarrheal diseases each year.
According to a 2009 Unicef report, every year there are about 2.5 billion cases of diarrhea involving children under five years old. More than 50 percent occur in Africa and South Asia. More than 80 percent of child deaths due to diarrhea occur in those regions.
According to Unicef, healthy behaviors such as good handwashing technique can reduce the incidence of diarrheal diseases by 40 percent. Progress is being made in the fight against diarrheal diseases, but much work remains. Improved sanitization and water quality can help prevent diarrheal diseases. Access to early medical intervention can be the difference between life and death.
8. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect insulin production and use. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can no longer produce insulin. The cause is not known. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or it can’t be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and carrying too much weight.
In 2012, about 1.5 million people died from diabetes-related causes, according to WHO. People in low to middle income countries are more likely to die from complications of diabetes.
9. Preterm Birth Complications

According to WHO, in 2012, as many as 1.1 million deaths were due to prematurity and complications due to low birth weight. Three-quarters of these deaths happen within the first week of life. Lack of skilled medical care makes this a huge problem in developing countries. Many newborn deaths could be avoided with good prenatal and postnatal care.
10. Tuberculosis (TB)

TB is a lung condition caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It’s an airborne disease that is often successfully treated. Some strains of TB are resistant to conventional treatments. Second-line drugs used to treat these patients are in limited supply. Some strains fail to respond to second-line treatment as well.
In 2012, about 900,000 people lost their lives to TB, according to WHO estimates. The majority of TB-related deaths happen in poorer countries. It is one of the top causes of death for people who have HIV.
Worthy of Mention
They didn’t make the top 10 deadliest disease list, but these diseases are definitely worth noting.

Malaria is caused by a parasite that infects mosquitos. People get it from the bite of an infected mosquito. Malaria caused about 627,000 deaths in 2012, according to WHO. Sub-Saharan Africa took the brunt with 90 percent of all malaria deaths. Malaria is not contagious.
Measles is a contagious viral disease that can be prevented through immunization. In 2010, it killed about 139,300 people around the world, according to the CDC.
To boost your immune system against diseases, make it a daily habit to eat healthy food and change your lifestyle. We also recommend the following products that can help fight against diseases, prevention is better than cure.
1. C 24/7 Natura-Ceuticals
One of the most nutritionally dense food supplements in the world market today, C247 contains the most number of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients in one product. The ingredients of C247 work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation. C247 introduces a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: daily essentials, botanical energizers and system defenders that include anti-oxidants. Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, C247 supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™.
C247 contains daily essentials:
• Phyto-nutrients and Anti-oxidants
• Vitamins/Minerals/ Trace Minerals
• Whole Fruit Juice Blend
• Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
• Amino Acids
• Super Green foods/ Spirulina blend
• Mushrooms
• Digestive Enzymes
• Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
• Essential Fatty Acids
• Anti-Aging/Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
• Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blends
Major Functions in our body:
• Detoxifies the body 
• Protects the heart and prevents complications 
• Helps control high-blood pressure 
• Enhances, nourishes, strengthens, and balances the immune system 
• Protects your DNA and RNA 
• Inhibits tumor growth 
• Helps normalize blood sugar level
• Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration 
• Protects your DNA and RNA 
• Increases energy and strength 
• Rejuvenates the skin 
• Maintains healthy gums 
• Enhances sexual vitality 
• Improves vision 
• Makes you look and feel younger
V-CAPS - for easy digestion and absorption into the bloodstream 

C247 is recognized by the following:
• Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) 
• US Food and Drug Administration 
• Kosher 
• Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 
• Frost & Sullivan Product Quality 

2. Complete Phyto-energizer
Complete introduces a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: daily essentials, botanical energizers and system defenders that include anti-oxidants. Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, Complete supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™. As a cleanser, healer and energizer, Complete strengthens the body to protect itself and fight against a wider range of physiological conditions that lead to ailments such as hypertension, diabetes and cancer, among others.
The most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today, Complete Phyto-Energizer contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 16,000 phytonutrients in one product. The ingredients of Complete work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.
Complete Phyto Energizer contains daily essentials:
16,000 Phytonutrients and Anti-oxidants
29 Vitamins / Minerals / Trace Minerals
12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
18 Amino Acids
14 Super Green foods / Spirulina blend
12 Mushrooms
12 DIgestive Enzymes
12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
10 Essential Fatty Acids

Complete strengthens the body to protect itself and fight against a wider range of physiological conditions. Complete Phyto-Energizer is specially formulated for easy digestion and absorption into the bloodstream. Even the capsule breaks up quickly in the digestive tract. In comparison with other supplements, Complete V-Caps completely disintegrate in 18 minutes or less (the proper time to ensure absorption by the body). Other brands take up to 5 times longer.

Lowers cholesterol level
Protects against heart disease and complications
Helps prevent cancer of any origin
Controls high-blood pressure
Controls blood sugar
Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
Rejuvinates the skin
Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
Detoxifies the body
Enhances sexual vitality
Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis and rheumatism
Reduces the toxic effect of chemotherapy and radiation
Increases your energy and strength
Protects your precious DNA and RNA
Relieves headaches and dizziness
Maintain healthy gums
Inhibit tumor growth
Supports your liver
Get better sleep
Improves your vision
Makes you look and feel younger
Improves digestion and fertility
Improves your lymphocyte count
Treat menopausal symptoms
Prevents morning sickness
Protects children’s health
Alleviate anxiety and stress
Prevent allergies
Resist disease
Support kidney health
Improves your memory
Helps chronic dry cough
Builds strong blood
Inhibit lipid peroxidation

3. Choleduz.
Choleduz Omega Supreme is a premium potency source of fish oil… molecularly distilled! Choleduz is a dietary supplement in softgel form that contains Fish Oil plus Vitamin E that are essential in reducing the bad cholesterol.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is derived from the tissue of oily fish. It contains Omega-3 fatty acid, EPA and DHA. It helps regulate cholesterol in the body. It is beneficial in the anti-inflamattory properties and positive effects on the body composition. Fish oil also reduces the risks of depression and suicide.
About OMEGA-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of unsaturated fatty acids. It is essential to normal growth and health. It is best known for heart-health benefits. The high level of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
Food and Drug Administration stated that “supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA (n-3) fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. Canadian government recognized the importance of DHA Omega-3 fatty acid for normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves.

Studies report possible anti-cancer effects of Omega-3 fatty acids. It can reduce prostate tumor growth, slowed histopathological progression and increased survival of cancer patients. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer and helped cancer patients retain muscle mass.
Treatment of 1 gram per day of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the occurrence of death, cardiovascular death and sudden cardiac death by 20%, 30% and 45% respectively.

Omega-3 fatty acids improves immune function maturation with no apparent reduction in immune activation.
It helps improve poor developmental health with essential fatty acid supplementation. It enhances membrane capabilities in brain celss and helps prevent psychiatric disorders.

Omega-3 fatty acid acts as anti-inflammatory agent. It demonstrated benefits to cohorts of neck and of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the risk of low birth weight and premature birth for pregnant women.

Choleduz Omega Supreme is an ideal prenatal and nursing supplement for infant brain development and prevention of baby blues.
It reduces platelet aggregation ( stickiness ) and improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart.
It reduces the risk of coronary heart diseases and its complications.
Choleduz Omega Supreme can be safely taken by infants, children, adults, pregnant and nursing women.
The dose is 1 to 2 softgels daily before meals.

4. RestorLyf is a food supplement specially formulated to prolong one’s life! Regular intake can protect your heart, prevents inflammation and protects the mitochondria, the powerhouse of every cell. When these parts of the body are protected, a person may achieve longer life!
RestorLyf has comprehensive, unique and standardized Resveratrol Blend of powerful Longevity Polyphenols:
Japanese Knotweed
Premium Red Wine Extract
Grape Seed Extract
Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content)
“Resveratrol activates Sirtuin enzymes that promote longer life span. And it has been proven through extensive experiments with yeast, worms, flies, fish and most recently with laboratory mice. Also reversing diseases associated with aging like cancer, diabetest, hypertension, arthritis, etc.” ~National Institute of Aging~

RestorLyf can prolong one’s life and many more! See how it can help you protect your body from aging.
Prolongs life span
Reduces signs of aging
Reverses degenerative diseases
Activates certain enzymes that regulate gene silencing and DNA repair
Increases SIRT1 genes to protect cells against free radical production and DNA damage, thereby reducing cell death
Mimics the effects of dietary restriction
Prevents pulmonary hypertension
Found to have a positive impact on obesity:
Hindered fat storage
Reduces levels of inflammatory compounds
Increased levels of adiponectin
Hormone that regulates fatty acid catabolism
Promotes sensitivity to insulin
Modulates pathomechanisms of debilitating neurological disorders, such as strokes, ischemia and Huntington’s & Alzheimer’s diseases
Prevent cigarette smoke stress and inflammation
Prevents DNA damage/modification
Prevents dysfunction in carotid arteries
Prevents smoking-induced cell deatah in the arteries and mitochondrial los

RestorLyf Longevity Formula is manufactured by Nature’s Way, a billion dollar company in Springville, Utah, USA. Nature’s Way has 45 years of research and development of herbal and nutritional science that made the company a recognized leader among all the nutritional and supplement companies in America. Making its mark as the pioneer of many breakthroughs in the advancement of good health and the supplement industry, Nature’s Way is known for its green leaf logo which represents health, life and nature. The company prides itself in the dedication to manufacture the finest products that consumers have attested to when they “trust the leaf” each time they buy and use Nature’s Way products.

Source: Healthline

For orders, you can get in touch with me through Whatsapp/IMO/Viber +639272333761

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