Choleduz Mega Supreme

Choleduz Omega Supreme is aPREMIUM and HIGH POTENCY SOURCE OF FISH OIL that contains 1000mg Vitamin E with 500mg of DHA molecularly distilled that are essential in reducing the bad cholesterol.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is derived from the tissue of oily fish. It contains Omega-3 fatty acid, EPA and DHA. It helps regulate cholesterol in the body. It is beneficial in the anti-inflamattory properties and positive effects on the body composition. Fish oil also reduces the risks of depression and suicide.
About OMEGA-3 Fatty Acids
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of unsaturated fatty acids. It is essential to normal growth and health. It is best known for heart-health benefits. The high level of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
  • Food and Drug Administration stated that “supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA (n-3) fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. Canadian government recognized the importance of DHA Omega-3 fatty acid for normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves.
  • Studies report possible anti-cancer effects of Omega-3 fatty acids. It can reduce prostate tumor growth, slowed histopathological progression and increased survival of cancer patients. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer and helped cancer patients retain muscle mass.
  • Treatment of 1 gram per day of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the occurrence of death, cardiovascular death and sudden cardiac death by 20%, 30% and 45% respectively.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids improves immune function maturation with no apparent reduction in immune activation.
  • It helps improve poor developmental health with essential fatty acid supplementation. It enhances membrane capabilities in brain celss and helps prevent psychiatric disorders.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid acts as anti-inflammatory agent. It demonstrated benefits to cohorts of neck and of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the risk of low birth weight and premature birth for pregnant women.
  • Greatly reduces bad cholesterol and helps decrease high blood pressure.
  • Reduces the risk of Coronary Heart Disease and its complications.
  • Support healthy eyes
  • Improves brain’s cognitive function
  • Ideal prenatal and nursing supplement for infant brain development and prevention of baby blues.
Heart Benefits of Omega-3 EPA/DHA
  • Heart platelet aggregation (stickiness)
  • Improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart
  • Lowers blood triglyceride levels (up to 20-40%)
  • Lowers blood pressure by vasodilation and promotion of sodium excretion.

Statin Scam Exposed: Cholesterol Drugs Cause Rapid Aging, Brain Damage And Diabetes

If you are a patient who suffers from high levels of the so called “bad” cholesterol, then you have probably been prescribed with Statins, medicament that reduces the health issues related to heart diseases and lowers the level of the harmful cholesterol.

Statins are a class of drugs often prescribed by doctors to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. By lowering the levels, they help prevent heart attacks and stroke. Studies show that, in certain people, statins reduce the risk of heart attackstroke, and even death from heart disease by about 25% to 35%. Studies also show that statins can reduce the chances of recurrent strokes or heart attacks by about 40%.

Who Should Take Statin Drugs?

Estimates are that in addition to the people already taking them, another 15 to 20 million people should be taking statin drugs based on their risk factors for heart disease. Your doctor can do a simple blood test to determine the amount of cholesterol in your blood. If you have high levels of LDL ("bad”) cholesterol, you have a greater chance of heart disease, especially when there are other factors that increase your risk. Based on your overall risk, your doctor may recommend you take statins to help lower your cholesterol by a certain percentage.
However, not all cholesterol is bad. It's good, for instance, to have high levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol. HDL cholesterol prevents plaque buildup in the arteries by transporting the bad (LDL) cholesterol out of the blood to the liver. There, it is eliminated from the body.

How Do Statin Drugs Work?

Statin drugs work by blocking the action of the liver enzyme that is responsible for producing cholesterol. Too much cholesterol in the blood can cause a buildup of plaque on the walls of the arteries. That buildup can eventually cause the arteries to narrow or harden. Sudden blood clots in these narrowed arteries can cause a heart attack or stroke.
Statins lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels. At the same time, they lower triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol levels. Statins may also help to stabilize plaques in the arteries. That makes heart attacks less likely.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while taking a statin can improve the effectiveness of the drug. Be sure to:

Are There Side Effects of Statin Drugs?

Most people who take statin drugs tolerate them very well. But some people experience side effects.
The most common statin side effects include:
Statins also carry warnings that memory loss, mental confusion, highblood sugar, and type 2 diabetes are possible side effects. It's important to remember that statins may also interact with other medications you take.

Which Statin Side Effects Are Serious?

Statins are associated with a few rare, but potentially serious, side effects including:

  • Myositis inflammation of the muscles. The risk of muscle injury increases when certain other medications are taken with statins. For example, if you take a combination of a statin and a fibrate -- another cholesterol-reducing drug -- the risk of muscle damage increases greatly compared to someone who takes a statin alone.
  • Elevated levels of CPK, or creatine kinase, a muscle enzyme that when elevated, can cause muscle pain, mild inflammation, and muscle weakness. This condition, though uncommon, can take a long time to resolve.
  • Rhabdomyolysis , extreme muscle inflammation and damage. With this condition, muscles all over the body become painful and weak. The severely damaged muscles release proteins into the blood that collect in the kidneys. The kidneys can become damaged trying to eliminate a large amount of muscle breakdown caused by statin use. This can ultimately lead to kidney failure or even death. Fortunately, rhabdomyolysis is extremely rare. It occurs in less than one in 10,000 people taking statins.

Statin Warning Signs

If you experience any unexplained joint or muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness while taking statins, you should call your doctor immediately. Pregnant women or those with active or chronic liver disease should not use statins.
If you take a statin drug, tell your doctor about any over-the-counter or prescription drugs, herbal supplements, and vitamins you are currently taking or plan on taking.

Which Statins Are Approved for Use in the U.S.?

The statin medications that are approved for use in the U.S. include:
  • Lipitor
  • Livalo
  • Mevacor or Altocor
  • Zocor
  • Pravachol
  • Lescol
  • Crestor
Since their arrival on the market, statins have been among the most prescribed drugs in the U.S. with about 17 million users.
There is an alternative natural way of getting rid of bad cholesterol. The product is called Choleduz. To know about the product just click  here. 
Source: WebMD

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins located around the anus or in the lower rectum. About 50 percent of adults experienced the symptoms of hemorrhoids by the age of 50.
Hemorrhoids can either be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum. External hemorrhoids develop outside of the anus. Hemorrhoids are also known as piles.
External hemorrhoids are the most common and most troublesome. Hemorrhoids cause pain, severe itching, and difficulty sitting. Fortunately, they are treatable.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include: 
  • extreme itching around the anus
  • irritation and pain around the anus
  • itchy or painful lump or swelling near your anus
  • fecal leakage
  • painful bowel movements
  • blood on your tissue after having a bowel movement
Although hemorrhoids are painful, they aren’t life-threatening and often go away on their own without treatment. If you have them often, you may develop symptoms of anemia, such as weakness and pale skin due to blood loss, though this is rare.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Experts aren’t sure what causes hemorrhoids to develop. Possible factors include: 
  • straining during a bowel movement
  • complications from chronic constipation
  • sitting for a long period of time, especially on the toilet
  • a family history of hemorrhoids
  • Risk factors

    Hemorrhoids can be passed on genetically from parent to child, so if your parents had hemorrhoids, you’re more likely to get them. Consistent heavy lifting, being obese, or having other constant strain on your body can increase your risk of hemorrhoids.
    Standing too much without taking a break to sit can cause hemorrhoids to develop. Consistent anal sexual intercourse and diarrhea can also increase your risk of hemorrhoids.
    You’re also more likely to develop hemorrhoids if you’re pregnant. When the uterus enlarges, it presses on the vein in the colon, causing it to bulge.

How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?

A visual examination of your anus may be enough to diagnose hemorrhoids. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may do a different examination to check for any abnormalities within the anus. This check is known as a digital rectal exam. During this exam, your doctor inserts a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum. If they feel anything abnormal, they may order an additional test called a sigmoidoscopy.
A sigmoidoscopy involves your doctor using a small camera to diagnose an internal hemorrhoid. This small fiber-optic camera, called a sigmoidoscope, fits into a small tube and then inserts into your rectum. From this test, your doctor gets a clear view of the inside of your rectum so that they can examine the hemorrhoid up close.

What are the treatment options for hemorrhoids?

Treatment for hemorrhoids can occur at home or at a doctor’s office.

Pain relief

To minimize pain, soak in a warm tub of water for at least 10 minutes every day. You can also sit on a warm water bottle to relieve the pain of external hemorrhoids. If the pain is unbearable, use an over-the-counter medicated suppository, ointment, or cream to relieve the burning and itching.

Fiber supplements

If you’re constipated, you can also use an over-the-counter fiber supplement to help soften your stool. Two common supplements of this type are psyllium and methylcellulose.

Home remedies

Over-the-counter topical treatments, such as hydrocortisone or hemorrhoid cream, can ease your discomfort from hemorrhoids. Soaking your anus in a sitz bath for 10 to 15 minutes per day can also help.
Practice good hygiene by cleaning your anus with warm water during a shower or bath every day. But don’t use soap, as soap can aggravate hemorrhoids. Also avoid using dry or rough toilet paper when you wipe after a bowel movement.
Using a cold compress on your anus can help reduce hemorrhoid swelling. Pain relievers, such as acetaminophenibuprofen, or aspirin can also alleviate the pain or discomfort.

Medical procedures

If home treatments aren’t helping with your hemorrhoids, your doctor might recommend getting a rubber band ligation. This procedure involves the doctor cutting off the circulation of the hemorrhoid by placing a rubber band around it. This causes loss of circulation to the hemorrhoid, forcing it to shrink. This procedure should only be performed by a medical professional. Do not try this at home.
If rubber band ligation isn’t an option in your case, your doctor may perform injection therapy, or sclerotherapy. In this procedure, your doctor injects a chemical into the blood vessel directly. This causes the hemorrhoid to reduce in size.

To prevent or avoid worsening hemorrhoids, avoid straining during a bowel movement. Also, try to increase your water intake. Drinking enough water can keep your stool from hardening.

Use the restroom as soon as you feel a bowel movement coming on to prevent hemorrhoids from developing. Exercise regularly to prevent becoming constipated, and don’t sit for long periods, especially on hard surfaces like concrete or tile.
Consuming foods that are high in dietary fiber can minimize the risk of developing hemorrhoids in the future. 
Good dietary fiber sources include:
  • whole wheat
  • brown rice
  • oatmeal
  • pears
  • carrots
  • buckwheat
  • bran 
Dietary fiber helps create bulk in the intestines, which softens the stool, making it easier to pass.
What are the complications associated with hemorrhoids?
  • Complications from hemorrhoids are rare, but can include:
    • blood clots in the swollen vein
    • bleeding
    • iron deficiency anemia caused by blood loss
    There is a natural treatment for hemorrhoids. Why not take C24/7? This food supplement is formulated by 200 doctors, herbalists and scientists. You cannot find this product is any stores, exclusively distributed through AIM Global. 
    Source: Health Line

Is wearing high heels shoes bad for your health?

Women love to wear high shoes as part of glamour but without our knowledge wearing high heel shoes much often has also adverse effect on our health. 

According to Women's Health, here's the different part of the body affected by wearing high heel shoes.

• Normally, your feet act like spring-loaded, weight-distributing shock absorbers, cushioning your skeleton from crazy amounts of pounding. Jam these engineering marvels into high heels and. . .ouch. You've shifted much of your mass onto the balls of your feet and your tiny, delicate toe bones.

• The higher the heel, the bigger the impact: One study found that four-inch stilettos can up the amount of pressure on the front of the foot by 30 percent or more.

• Your heel-to-toe transition becomes abrupt, forcing you to swap your natural stride for a staccato walk. Strutting like this all the time could usher in bone and nerve damage (not to mention blisters and ingrown toenails).

Ankles and Calves
• Wearing heels forces your ankles to bend forward, a movement that could restrict circulation in your lower limbs. If you're a perennial high-heel wearer, this could eventually spell spider veins.

• Walking in heels also stiffens your Achilles tendons, which anchor your calf muscles to your heels, causing your calves to bunch up. If you've had your tall pumps on all day, you might have trouble walking naturally when you first kick off your kicks. (You can work to offset this stiffness by flexing your feet—shoeless—several times throughout the day.)

• Over time, stiletto devotees can develop chronically taut (and shortened!) ankle and calf tendons, making walking—even in flats—painful.

• Another pro shock absorber, the knee is the largest joint in your body. It's built to take a licking, but frequent high-heel use can put extra stress on the inner sides of the knees, fast-tracking the wear and tear that leads to osteoarthritis.

• To keep from keeling over in stacked shoes, you have to thrust your hips forward, arch your back, and push out your chest. That familiar sexy stance works the outer hip muscles and tendons hard (and not in a good way).

• In order to sashay around in heels, your spine needs to sway unnaturally, a process that stresses your lumbar erector spinae muscle. Result: sore lower back.

• As with your other body parts, your back needs a break. If you wear high pumps one day, don cushioned flats the next. Or save your spikes for special nights out—and never walk around in them for longer than a few hours at a time

Is using feminine wash safe?

Feminine wash products are a popular choice among women for keeping their nether regions feeling fresh and clean. Some women even assert that douching (cleaning the vaginal canal) regularly-- as frequently as everyday-- with feminine wash helps prevent the incidence and recurrence of both vaginal and urinary tract infections (UTI). Typically, feminine wash comes pre-mixed, as a combination of vinegar, water, baking soda, and iodine. Sounds innocuous enough, but how safe is it to use on a regular basis? Furthermore, are there any negative side effects for using too much of it?
According to Dr. Greg Alvior, a seasoned Ob-Gyne and president of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Medical Foundation, the answer to the first question depends upon the type of feminine wash being used. Not all formulations of feminine wash are the same, with some being much stronger than others in their ability to kill bacteria. Dr. Alvior states, “Some [types] are strong antiseptics, and so could cause a super infection with resistant-fungi and bacteria if used too often and too long.” In the case of a super infection, the resistant fungi and bacteria don't respond to conventional medical treatment, making it that much more difficult to manage and prevent from spreading throughout the vaginal area. 
Also, keep in mind that in most cases, both good and bad bacteria can be killed by feminine wash, which could be a disadvantage, because your body needs the good bacteria. An adequate amount of good bacteria (normal vaginal flora) is needed to maintain the acidity of the vagina, which is what maintains your ability to fight and prevent infections in that region. Prolonged use of feminine wash-- especially the stronger types-- can change the acidity of your vagina, and can make you more vulnerable to infections. 

However, there are other types of feminine wash that are more mildly formulated with moisturizer added, which, according to Alvior, are safer for prolonged use. To that end, he advises not to use feminine wash everyday, although using a mild formulation a few times a week is okay for women with no symptoms or infections. If you have symptoms, however, and would prefer to use a stronger antiseptic formula, Dr. Alvior recommends using it no longer than one week. Finally, he cautions that scented variants of feminine wash could cause irritation from allergy. Added scents of any type are usually made of phthalates, which have been shown to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and an endocrine disruptor (interferes with your hormones).
Rarely, the douching process can actually cause the infection to spread. While cleaning or rinsing, the force of the water can sometimes move the bacteria further up the vaginal canal and into the uterus. Take your time and try to stay gentle when douching. As tempting as it may be, save the pressure washing for the car.   
If you're simply looking to maintain everyday cleanliness and prevention of infections, and have no symptoms, your healthiest bet is simply mild soap and water. More specifically, Dr. Alvior suggests using an unscented and hypoallergenic cleansing bar and/ or lotion. It's convenient, affordable, and safe enough to use everyday. 
Finally, if you're trying to pregnant, doctors caution against using feminine wash unless absolutely necessary. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, douching may interfere with your chances of becoming pregnant. If you also have a history of endometriosis, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), or bacterial vaginosis, or other recurring infections, consult with your doctor about healthier alternatives to feminine wash that are safe to do while trying to conceive. 
Why not try using all natural feminine wash? No chemical and safe to use regularly. The product is called Natural-centials Feminine Wash. 
Feel extra clean and fresh comes naturally with NaturaCentials Feminine Wash!  Your intimate area deserves better hygiene without the harmful chemicals.  Say hello to a refreshing ritual with its natural deep cleansing ingredients plus negative ion strip that will make you feel thoroughly clean and powder fresh feeling all day everyday!
This natural feminine wash is dermatologically-tested pH balanced and contains 100% no harmful chemicals, Elemi Oil helps prevent UTI.  Guava leaf and Aloe Vera extracts prevent itchiness, block allergens, and act as an antibacterial and antiseptic.  Aloe Vera also helps improve the skin’s natural firmness and keeps the skin hydrated.
The negative ion strip has more than 6300 negative ions/cm3 that acts as a powerful anti-allergen, antibacterial, antifungal and has anti-aging benefits.
Elemi Oil
  • Antibacterial
  • Antimicrobial
  • Helps Prevent UTI, Inflections in Urinary bladder
Guava Leaf Extract
  • Anti – Inflammatory
  • Prevents Itchiness
  • Blocks allergens
  • Antibacterial
Aloe Vera
  • Disinfectant
  • Germicidal
  • Antiseptic
  • Anti-aging
Negative Ion Strip
  • 6300 Negative Ions / cm3
  • Anti-allergens
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-aging

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex.
Having erection trouble from time to time isn't necessarily a cause for concern. If erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, however, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems. Problems getting or keeping an erection also can be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease down the road.
If you're concerned about erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor — even if you're embarrassed. Sometimes, treating an underlying condition is enough to reverse erectile dysfunction. In other cases, medications or other direct treatments might be needed.


Erectile dysfunction symptoms might include persistent:
  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Trouble keeping an erection
  • Reduced sexual desire

When to see a doctor

A family doctor is a good place to start when you have erectile problems. See your doctor if:
  • You have concerns about your erections or you're experiencing other sexual problems, including ejaculatory dysfunction, such as premature or delayed ejaculation
  • You have diabetes, heart disease or another known health condition that might be linked to erectile dysfunction
  • You have other symptoms along with erectile dysfunction


Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. Likewise, stress and mental health concerns can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction.

Sometimes a combination of physical and psychological issues causes erectile dysfunction. For instance, a minor physical condition that slows your sexual response might cause anxiety about maintaining an erection. The resulting anxiety can lead to or worsen erectile dysfunction.

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

In most cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by something physical. Common causes include:
  • Heart disease
  • Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome — a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Peyronie's disease — development of scar tissue inside the penis
  • Certain prescription medications
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
  • Sleep disorders
  • Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
  • Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

The brain plays a key role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual excitement. A number of things can interfere with sexual feelings and cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. These include:
  • Depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions
  • Stress
  • Relationship problems due to stress, poor communication or other concerns

Common Treatments for ED: Medications

Standard treatments for ED include lifestyle changes, such as:
  • exercising
  • losing weight
  • stopping smoking
  • curbing alcohol intake
Medications like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra increase blood flow to the penis. But they can also cause side effects, including:
  • nasal congestion
  • headache
  • upset stomach
  • vision changes
  • facial flushing
  • dizziness
Men who have experienced a stroke or have uncontrolled diabetes or low blood pressure should not take ED medications.
Testosterone replacement and erection-inducing injections are also available. Side effects may include:
  • acne
  • breast enlargement
  • increased urination
  • aching in the penis
  • scarring
  • gum or mouth irritation
There is a natural way of addressing erectile dysfunction.  I recommend C24/7. C24/7 enhance sexual vitality. Know more about C24/7. 
