4 Examples of The Power of Belief & How You Can Mimic The Results

You remember the story.

After many large engines refuse to pull a heavy train over a difficult hill, due to the impossible conditions, a smaller engine volunteers. Even though it seems laughable for this little engine to accomplish what the larger engines could not, the smaller engine proceeds to pull the train over the hill, while chanting, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”

Yes, The little Engine That Could was one of our favorite stories growing up.

But little do people realize that this story may have had the most significance & meaning of any that we ever read as a child.

This story can change your life.

The little engine that could is all about the power of belief. It actually comes from a story called “Thinking One Can,” which was launched in 1906 by positive thinking fanatics, to advertise the power of positive thinking to the young.

The point is, like the little engine that could, you can do anything you want it your life. You only need to have a better understanding of the power of belief and to know how to apply it in your life.

Amazing things have been done in this world. And you are going to see 4 examples of that in this article. I ask you to have an open mind, because if you adopt some of these principles, there is truly no ceiling in your life.

First, what is a belief?
Our core belief system’s has been constructed and shaped throughout our life based on numerous events we have experienced that we perceive as true or false.

If no one ever told you that the world was round, would you believe it?

Most of our beliefs are shaped by others; Parents, TV, social norms. And sadly, most of them are limiting beliefs.

Whether it’s that you will never be rich, or you cannot chase your dreams and have to get the safe office job, beliefs that are not originally your own have been battered into your head your entire life & they strongly affect how you live!

And before you get pissed at your parents, its not their fault. They were shaped with these same beliefs growing up, but they are not as lucky as you. They never took action and decided to shape their own beliefs and enter a world where there are no limits.

To use the power of belief & change a belief system, you need to reprogram your brain.
You need to understand that you are infinite and are limited to nothing.

Want to be rich? There’s billions of dollar changing hand everyday, and you can have as much of it as you want.

So first, take a look at four incredibly inspiring examples of the power of belief in action & start getting motivated.

1) The 4 Minute Mile
Prior to May 6th 1954, no one had ever run a 4 minute mile. The general consensus around the world was that it was physically impossible. Experts stated that the human body was “just not capable of it.” They even went as far to insist “his lungs may explode and he would certainly die.”

This belief rang true for decades, and during this time hundreds of athletes continued to fail to break through this barrier.

May 6th 1954, Rodger Bannister ran the miracle mile in 3:59:4. By doing this, he didn’t only break a world record, but he broke a limiting belief in the minds of hundreds of athletes. The four minute mile was now possible.

In the following years, the power of belief showed. As athletes trained and had a new achievable goal, more and more of them began to break the 4 minute mark.

Fast forward to present day, running a four minute mile is now common place.
When you have the will & believe you can do something, you are going to do it. Simple as that.

2) Lifting 500 Pounds Overhead

This second story is amazing and very encouraging. It concerns Russian weightlifter Vasily Alexeyev. Prior to the 1970’s no one had ever lifted 500 pounds overhead. Vasily had the current world record, though failing to break to 500 pound mark several times. As Vasily prepared for a lift in an important competition, his trainers told him that he would be lifting a weight that he had already lifted before. Vasily stepped up and lifted the weight. It wasn’t until after the lift that he realized his trainers deceived him and he actually lifted 500.5 lb’s for the new world record. Though this deception, his trainers erased the limiting belief in his mind that, like the 4 minute mile, was most responsible for him not being able to break the 500 mark. Once the 500 pound limitation was removed from his mind, Vasily went on to lift more than 560 pounds overhead. This is an incredible example of instantaneous power of belief.

3) Kyle Maynard – Overcoming Obstacles

Kyle Maynard is extraordinary. He was born with congenital amputation and has done more with his life that most people will ever do. But beyond his incredible achievements, such as climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and competing in an MMA fight, he an incredible example of the power of belief.

When Kyle was growing up he wanted to wrestle. When he started off it was really bad. He lost every match for a year and a half, 35 matches in a row.

Over and over, people were telling Kyle, “a guy with no arms a legs will never win a match in wrestling.” And Kyle bought into that belief for a year and half, and begged his parents to quit.

His first win, after 35 straight losses, came as a complete shock to Kyle to the point that he kept pinning the guy and kept letting him up until they stopped the match for the mercy rule.

It really had nothing to do with the physical side of things, but for a long time I bought into the belief of other people telling me that I’ll never win a match, so I didn’t. – Kyle

After this one win, he never went back.

The next year in 8th grade he went undefeated and went to the State Tournament. He ended his high school career by winning 135 matches, getting invited to nationals & placed 12 in the nation. Check out Kyle wrestling, he is truly incredible.

4) Morris E. Goodman – Miracle Healing

Morris E. Goodman or “the miracle man” is special.

When he was 35, he was in a horrific solo plane crash while attempting to land one afternoon. With his neck broken, his spinal cord crushed, and every major muscle in his body destroyed, Morris was no longer able to perform any bodily function except to blink his eyes.

Doctor’s told him he would never walk or even be able to breath without a respirator again.

Without use of his body, Morris still had his mind intact. And according to him, that was all he needed.

Morris relentlessly visualized himself walking out of that hospital everyday, and never allowed a thought to come in his head that deferred him away from that goal.

8 months later, he walked out of that hospital.

Doctors have no explanation. Morris does. He say’s “man becomes what he thinks about.” Check it out below.

These are only 4 examples of the power of belief. We have not even begun to enter the rabbit hole. I could talk for hours about the placebo effect, the “no-cebo effect” & much more, but I believe that this is enough for you to believe. Now how can you use the power of belief to stop being average and turn heads?

How to Use the Power of Belief to Achieve Anything

If you’ve made it this far, you know that the power of belief is real. Very real.
So can you take this knowledge and change how you think to mimic the great feats of the people above?

You are not born with the power of belief. It can be adopted at any time in your life. Just make the choice, and follow the steps below. And you too will achieve whatever you put your mind to.

Take what is is you want to achieve. Apply these steps. And never give up.

If you do, you will succeed. I promise you.

1) Change your mindset from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset
It’s always great to hear stories about the power of belief and how to change your mind, but it’s even better to see actual science behind it.

Many people in the world have a fixed mindset, meaning they believe that their skill is predetermined and all of their talents are set and have been given to them like a blessing. On second hand, people with a growth mindset believe that they determine their skill and that they can achieve anything through effort and hard work, regardless of their predisposed genetics.

If you want to understand more, and learn how to adopt a growth mindset, watch the 10 minute video below:

2) Eliminate all limiting thoughts

I can’t, impossible and other limiting beliefs should not even be a part of your vocabulary. See ya later!

3) Affirm it

Whatever your goal is, it is not true today.

So what!

You need to believe it to be true, even when it’s not. Just because it’s not right in front of you, doesn’t mean it is not real and it is not coming.

When Jim Carrey was young, he was poor. Very poor & struggling to get a single part. He wrote himself a $10,000,000.00 check and dated it 3 years in the future. He looked at it every day and knewone day he would cash it. 3 years later he was chosen for the role of dumb and dumber and learned that he would in fact make $10,000,000.00 for that part. It works.

Write down your goal on paper. If your goal is to be rich, write down “I create and attract wealth into my life easily, effortlessly and naturally,” or write yourself a check and date it for 3 years down the line.

Carry this with you, put it on your bathroom mirror and believe it. Because if you do, then it is true.

Like George Costanza says, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”

3) Visualize and feel as if it already is

I don’t know what it is that you want to achieve.
But whatever it is, visualizing yourself already having achieved it, and feeling how it feels to be there is a game changer.

Athletes who visualize running their event in their mind actual experience the same muscles firing as if they were running it in real life. The brain does not know the difference.
When you believe and visualize that you already have it, this is the energy you are emitting outward, and that is exactly what you will receive in return.

If you want to be rich, visualize yourself spending loads of money and getting more checks than you know what to do with. Come back to the present and keep those feeling with you all day.

Amazing things will start to happen.

4) Go out and start creating
With your new beliefs, go out into the world feeling great, as you will, and start to do it. Act as if your goal is already true.

If its running a 4 minute mile, go out and train. Your new beliefs will have you hitting personal bests every month.

Remember, no matter how great your attitude is if you don’t put in the work it is a waste of time. You need to be aligned with your goals and your attitude, and that is when the magic happens.

Every actions has an equal and opposite reaction. It’s a law of nature. If you put in two years of intense work, you will reap the benefits. The action of sitting on the coach all day will give you back just that.

5) Keep at it & remember this article

When you find yourself in that tough spot, when you are hitting wall and are just not sure you have what it takes, remember this article.

Remember that you have the power inside of you, and if you believe it then you can 100% achieve it. No matter how wild the goal is.

Goals take time. Remember Jim Carreys took 3 years to manifest, but it did. And if you do the work and keep your belief system right, you are going to succeed. If you believe there is no way you will fail, how could you?

In conclusion .

You can do anything you want in this life.

You can be rich, you can quit your job, you can change the world.
Believe in your goals. Relentlessly.

Don’t listen to the doubters, because they will be there. And when you can overcome them, and the doubt in your own mind, people and opportunities will start to come into your life daily.

The Fern and the Bamboo

One day I decided to quit...I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...
I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
“God”, I said. “Can you give me one good reason not to quit?”
His answer surprised me. “Look around”, He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?”
“Yes”, I replied. “When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit. The same in year four.
Then in the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.
Compared to the fern, it was seemingly small and insignificant.
But just six months later, the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots.
Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.
“Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots?
I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you.
“Don’t compare yourself to others.” He said. “The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come”, God said to me.
“You will rise high.” “How high should I rise?” I asked.
“How high will the bamboo rise?” He asked in return.
“As high as it can?” I questioned. “Yes.”
He said, “Give me glory by rising as high as you can.”
I left the forest, realizing that God will never give up on me.
And He will never give up on you.
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness; bad days give you experiences; both are essential to life.
Serenity isn’t freedom from the storm, but peace within the storm.

What Does Stool Color Mean?

We can learn a lot from poop. Seriously, hear me out. What comes out can tell us a lot about what’s going on inside. Color, consistency, appearance, and odor are all indications of how healthy, or unhealthy, you are. Think of it like reading tea leaves, except with hard science to back it up.

So What Can We Learn from Stool Color?

Brown might be the standard color of bowel movements, but it’s not the only color. Actually, if it comes out another color, it’s a good idea to start asking questions. While it’s probably nothing, you can’t be too cautious. The human body isn’t like a machine where you can simply take a look under the hood to make sure everything is functioning properly. What you excrete is one of the best indicators of your wellness. Let’s take a look at what some common “alternative” colors can mean.

Green Stool
Green stool is not usually a cause for concern; it’s probably just something you ate. Foods high in chlorophyll, like kale and spinach, can lend your voidings that viridian hue. Certain types of algae or other supplements can also cause stool to be green.

If you’re sure, however, that such foods aren’t the culprit, it’s time to start looking into possible digestive problems. The liver produces bile, which is green in color, and uses it to break down fats. Stool should pass from the small intestine to the colon, changing color along the way from green to yellow to brown. Green stool could mean that food is passing through the digestive system too quickly and the color change doesn’t finish.
It’s worth noting that infants have a much faster bowel transit time than adults. Green stool is common in breastfeeding infants and usually nothing to worry about.

White Stool
Mucus is the most common cause of white stool and it’s not unusual. Mucus traps bacteria and helps waste pass through the colon. If the white disintegrates into the water, it’s likely just mucus. It can also be a sign of fast bowel transit time. [However, kidney health concerns or issues in the biliary system are serious causes of white stool.

Yellow Stool
Like green stool, yellow stool is common and benign with newborns and something that will pass, pardon the pun. ] Yellow stool is not normal for adults. The lone exception to this would be a situation in which a massive amount of yellow food coloring had been recently ingested. If you see yellow stool, organs such as the stomach, liver, large intestine, or small intestine, may be experiencing trouble. See a health professional sooner than later.

Other Stool Colors
Dark black can indicate blood in the upper digestive tract. If your stool is dark black, you should seek immediate medical attention!

Dark brown can result from red wine, excess salt, or not eating enough vegetables.
Beet red can result from eating red foods or excess iron. 

Have you found any other interesting colors in your morning constitutional? If you aren’t shy, leave a comment and let us know.

Are you suffering from constipation? Wow that is bad. Constipation can be the caused of your illness because poop are toxic deposited in your colon.

But there is a remedy for it. Take C24/7. C24/7 has 12 digestive enzymes.

C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is a breakthrough product from Nature’s Way,and is exclusively distributed by Alliance In Motion Global in Asia. C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is approved as Halal by the Muslims and Kosher by the Jews. It is 100% Excipient Free and the material used for encapsulating Complete is also made from Vegetables (Vegetarian Capsules or V-Caps) C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals utilizes Nanotechnology ,Phyto-Alkatech (for faster absorption) and Syner-tech (for a synergistic boost).

The most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today, C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phytonutrients in one capsule using Nano Technology, a powerful new technology for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic and molecular level and allows the minerals to be delivered to the body in really small parcels, so potentially increasing its absorption through the walls of the gut and improving its take up by the body.

Formulated by 200 medical doctors, scientists and herbalists of Nature’s Way exclusively for Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. (AIM Global) and distributed worldwide by AIM Global Networks of independent distributors.

Nutrients are better and more efficiently absorbed into the blood stream because of Phyto-Alkatech — A powerful complex of natural alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the alkalinity of this formulation. It uses Vegetarian V-Caps to protect and neutralize possible damage when it reaches the stomach; thus preserving the purity and potency of this breakthrough natura-ceuticals. Upon reaching the small intestines capsule
disintegrates after 15 minutes, thus delivering needed nutrients direct to the cells faster than other leading brands.

Health Benefits of C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals:
Promotes longevity
Lowers cholesterol
Protects against heart disease and complications
Helps prevent cancer of any origin
Controls high-blood pressure
Controls blood sugar
Enhances and balances the metabolism
Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis
Enhances, nourishes, strengthens, and balances the immune system
Increases the production of inherent glutathione in our body
Rejuvinates the skin
Regenerates liver cells
Promotes healthy blood circulation
Detoxifies the body
Reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety
Enhances sexual vitality

Each capsule contains the following daily essentials:
12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend (Cranberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Bilberry, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Papaya, Orange, Grape, Pineapple)
* These fruits are juiced whole, peels and seeds included, because recent studies show’s that about 97-98% of all the nutrients that a fruit has is in its peel and seed.
* According to the World Health Organization, the human body needs at least 5 different kinds of fruits and vegetables everyday in order to remain healthy. This blend is specially formulated for Synergistic purposes. The vegetables are also juiced whole, just like the fruits.
12 Mushrooms (Cordyceps, Reishi, Shitake, Hiratake, Maitake, yambushitake, Himematsutake, Kawaratake, Chaga, Zhu Ling, Agarikon, Mesima)
* These 12 of the world’s most potent medicinal mushrooms are rich in Polysaccharides that helps prevent cancer and the spread and development of cancer cells. They are cultivated in Europe and Japan.
14 Super Green Foods/Spirulina Blend (Spirulina, Alfalfa, Barley grass, Wheat grass, Lemon grass, Dandelion, Melissa, Nettle, Blessed Thistle, Plantain, Cilantro, Blue and Green Algae, Chlorella)
* Chlorophyll, the green coloring pigment of the plant, was discovered as very beneficial because it is a good source of antioxidant.
* Spirulina is also called as a “Complete Food” by the World Health Organization.
10 Essential Fatty Acids
* It has Omega Oil 3 and 6 that dissolves harmful fatty deposits * Also known as Omega Fatty Acids, are the “Good Fats” that eliminate the “Bad Fats” in the body. The EFA’s in C24/7 come from plant sources, particularly Sunflower and Flax seed.
* EFA’s are essential in preventing heart diseases, cancer and mental retardation.
29 Vitamins/Minerals/Trace Minerals (Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, etc.)
* Our body can not produce vitamins. That is why we need food supplements.
* According to studies, vitamins are more effective when it has minerals along with it because it has a “synergistic effect”, where one won’t function effectively without the other.
* It allows the nutrients to boost each other and therefore maximize their individual effects.
18 Amino Acids
* These are the building blocks of protein. Since the body is all made up of protein, naturally it is also the building blocks of our body.
12 Digestive Enzymes
* According to studies, the mother of all kinds of diseases is constipation. The waste left in our intestines becomes toxins that cause different kinds of diseases. Good health is dependent upon good digestion.
* These enzymes are essential to the body because good health is heavily dependent on good digestion, and good digestion is totally dependent upon having sufficient enzymes in the body. Vitamins, minerals, and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. These enzymes are also needed for breaking down the fats in the body.
12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
* C24/7 enhances memory as it has Brain Boosters. This is also effective against clogged arteries and veins, and it promotes healthy blood circulation.
* These specialty nutrients work together in repairing damages in the Brain/Nervous System functions. It helps prevent degenerative brain damage and helps keep our nervous system healthy.
5 Anti-aging/Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
* Cysteine Hydrochloride – An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover)
* Coenzyme Q-10 – Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan
* Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) – Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots
* Grape Skin Extract – An excellent source of Resveratrol
* Corsitine – A very powerful anti-oxidant
4 Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blend Longevity Polyphenols
* Japanese Knotweed – An excellent source of Resveratrol
* Premium Red Wine Extract – Lengthens human Lifespan
* Grape Seed Extract – An excellent anti-oxidant Lengthens human Lifespan
* Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content) – Lengthens human Lifespan

“C247 has a unique formulation far superior to other natural products in the market.”
– Rory Mahony – President and COO, Nature’s Way

C24/7 Technology
The secret of C24/7 lies on two new technologies from Nature’s Way:
A powerful complex of natural Alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the Alkalinity of this formulation and also to protect and neutralize possible acid damage when it reaches the stomach. Thus preserving the purity and potency of this breakthrough 

Embodies the Science & Technology of the Combined Complimentary and Synergistic Effects of nature’s most powerful elements and Phyto-chemical nutrients. It has been proven over the years that many antioxidants are better taken with other anti-oxidants providing a more enhanced effects as compared to taking them alone.

C 24/7 ensures quick and efficient digestion of nutrients through the use of V-Caps! This enables the nutrients to be completely absored by our blood stream within just 15 MINUTES!!
15 minutes Absorption Rate
* Nutrients are better absorbed into the blood stream because its Vegetarian
* V-caps disintegrate 5x faster than other leading brands.

Reason’s Why Take C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals Everyday

1.bronchial asthma
2.acute and chronic diarrhea
3.cancer and tumor formation
4.atomic dermatitis
6.rheumatoid arthritis
7.atrophic vaginitis
10.liver cirrhosis
12.bone fracture
18.cervical ulcer
19.gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
21.colon prolapsed and bower pockets

7 Surprising Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water In The Morning

You may be used to drinking a cup of coffee or tea to wake you up in the morning. Some of you may opt for a glass of cool water to replenish you and get your morning started. These things may now be morning habits; however, it can be worth reconsidering how you start your morning because research shows that drinking warm water on an empty stomach offers the most health benefits.

Stella Metsovas, clinical nutritionist and media health expert in Food and Nutrition Sciences, says, “Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, usually, with a polyphenol-rich lemon immersion, or with a tea shown to decrease free radical activity in the body.” Drinking warm water increases the tightening of the intestines, and this helps with digestion and regulates bowel movements.

Here are 7 beneficial things that will happen to your body when you start drinking warm water in the morning.

1. It Prevents premature aging
Nobody wants to age prematurely; however, the presence of toxins in the body can make aging faster a reality. When our body accumulates toxins, it becomes prone to illness and aging. Warm water can help cleanse the body from toxins. Furthermore, it can help repair skin cells which can lead to an increase in the elasticity of your skin.

2. It Alleviates pain
A potent natural remedy for easing the pain from menstrual cramps is warm water. It relaxes stomach muscles and helps alleviate menstrual pain. Moreover, warm water is an effective remedy for all types of cramps as it improves capillary circulation and helps to relax the muscles in the body.

3. It Helps with weight loss
You may be trying to lose weight and have heard that drinking a glass of warm water in the morning can be helpful. This is correct. Warm water increases your body temperature, which; in turn, increases your metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic activity gives the body the ability to burn more calories throughout the day.

If you start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon, you will help your body break down the adipose tissue (or body fat) in your body. Warm water with lemon also controls food craving because lemon contains pectin fiber. Mestovas told Medical Daily, “Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, usually, with a polyphenol-rich lemon immersion, or with a tea shown to decrease free radical activity in the body.”

4. It Improves digestion
If you drink a glass of warm water in the morning you will stimulate your digestive system and help your body to better digest and eliminate foods. Drinking cold water after meals can be counterproductive. Cold water solidifies the oils and fats in the food you have just eaten. This creates fat deposits and makes digestion more difficult. You are better off replacing that glass of cold water with a warm one.

5. It Improves blood circulation
Accumulated deposits in the nervous system and fat deposits in the body are eliminated when you drink a glass of warm water. This process helps flush out the toxins that are present throughout the body, which; in turn, aids blood circulation. Warm water is also relaxing, helping the muscles loosen, eliminating poor circulation, and assisting blood flow.

6. It Aids constipation
Many of you have experienced the uncomfortable and irritating effects of constipation. This common stomach problem occurs when one has little or no bowel movement. Often, the cause is a lack of water in the body. If you begin your morning by drinking very warm water, before you have eaten anything, you can help improve your bowel movements, thus reducing the effects of constipation.
Metsovas says, “Women will always benefit because they [have] more hormones to contend with, making constipation more of an issue.”

7. It Induces sleep

When you sip warm water during meals, especially during dinner and before you go to bed, you will help your body relax and sooth your nerves. In turn, this can help induce sleep. It will also assist with stopping midnight cravings and lead to a feeling of rejuvenation in the morning.

We have seen 7 surprising and amazing benefits that will happen to your body when you start drinking a glass of warm water in the morning. Start making a morning glass of warm water part of your routine and be sure to enjoy the revitalized feeling that you will experience.

Source: Lifehack.org

10 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll

You may have heard a lot of buzz surrounding the healthiness of vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables with deep, rich color tones. In many ways, they’re perfect foods and part of the credit is owed to the chlorophyll they contain. Chlorophyll is a green pigment that’s instrumental in photosynthesis. Research also suggests it’s instrumental in promoting good health. The following 10 benefits demonstrate its amazing versatility and power.

1. Helps Control Hunger and Cravings
A study released in September of 2013 determined that compounds containing chlorophyll might help suppress hunger. Twenty moderately overweight women were given test meals on three separate occasions one week apart — two meals with chlorophyll, one without. They reported reduced hunger following the meals containing the chlorophyll and blood tests showed stable blood sugar levels. [1] These results suggest chlorophyll should be considered as an effective way to manage hunger and promote weight loss.

2. Controls Body Odor

Chlorophyll is good for your body from the inside out, literally. This includes body and fecal odors. When tested in a nursing home with 62 patients, one study reported improvements in the odors emanating from the test subjects. In addition to odor reduction, it also alleviated constipation and gas.

3. Encourages Healing
The use of chlorophyll to promote the healing process was first reported nearly 100 years ago. One report published by Butler University (in 1950!) discussed its use for improving healing times. [3] A more recent study found that, when used as a spray, chlorophyll significantly helped wound therapy. [4] The research clearly backs its effectiveness in this area.

4. Promotes Cleansing
Environmental pollutants such as toxic metals can quickly destroy health. Chlorophyll binds with toxic metals to hamper absorption, and research has shown it can do the same with some carcinogens. A crossover study with 4 human volunteers tested chlorophyll’s ability to remove ingested aflatoxin, a known carcinogen. Each volunteer received three servings of the aflatoxin, followed with a meal, the latter two included a tablet of chlorophyll. The results showed rapid elimination with 95% evacuated within 24 hours. [5]

5. Protects DNA Against Fried Foods
Fried foods aren’t just bad for your waistline, they also contain chemicals known to damage colon tissue and the DNA of colon cells. In one study, participants who ate fried foods coupled with protective foods, including chlorophyll, were observed to have less DNA damage of colon cells. [6] Don’t take that as just cause to go crazy with the fried foods, the best idea is to avoid them altogether.

6. Super Potent Antioxidant Action
Chlorophyll’s status as a superfood is due to its nutritional and potent antioxidant properties. It protects cells from oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals. [7] One plant known for its high chlorophyll levels, Conyza triloba, showed very active superoxide scavenging behavior. An in vitro study found it capable of reducing free radicals while reducing cell damage. [8]

7. Promising Potential for Cancer Therapy
Although the research doesn’t currently show that chlorophyll is an all out cancer cure, researchers are excited about its potential as a therapy. One study found men with lower levels of dietary chlorophyll had higher risks of colon cancer. [9] Another study noted it effective at stimulating liver detoxifying enzymes and may protect against other carcinogens

8. Effective Against Candida albicans
Candida infection is a big problem for many individuals and can lead to fatigue, depression, and digestive problems; just to name a few. Research has shown that isolated chlorophyll solutions stop Candida albicans growth. [11]

9. Relieves Systemic Redness and Swelling
Traditional medicine has long used green leaves for infections. With modern approaches that have limited effectiveness and a long list of side effects, natural remedies are getting another look. Animal studies have found that green leaves help to reduce swelling and redness! [12]

10. Promotes Healthy Iron Levels
A modified form of chlorophyll known as chlorophyllin may be highly effective for anemia. By swapping iron for magnesium at the center of the molecule, it provides a bioavailable form of iron the body can use. [13] While scientists may look for ways to develop patent-able medicines, no one needs to wait to take chlorophyll to gain its benefits.

Chlorophyll: An Excellent Dietary Supplement
Chlorophyll possesses an amazing range of benefits and is readily available to everyone. Chlorophyll rich foods are also healthy in their own right and contain essential vitamins and nutrients needed for cardiovascular, muscular, and neural health. Consume foods containing chlorophyll or take a dietary supplement for best effect. Blue-green algae is one of my favorites. Do you take chlorophyll? What effects have you noticed? Please leave a comment below and share your experience with us!

Did you know that C24/7 is very rich in Chlorophyll? C24/7 contains 14 Super Green Foods/Spirulina Blend where you get the chlorophyll.

C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is a breakthrough product from Nature’s Way,and is exclusively distributed by Alliance In Motion Global in Asia. C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is approved as Halal by the Muslims and Kosher by the Jews. It is 100% Excipient Free and the material used for encapsulating Complete is also made from Vegetables (Vegetarian Capsules or V-Caps) C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals utilizes Nanotechnology ,Phyto-Alkatech (for faster absorption) and Syner-tech (for a synergistic boost).

The most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today, C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phytonutrients in one capsule using Nano Technology, a powerful new technology for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic and molecular level and allows the minerals to be delivered to the body in really small parcels, so potentially increasing its absorption through the walls of the gut and improving its take up by the body.

Formulated by 200 medical doctors, scientists and herbalists of Nature’s Way exclusively for Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. (AIM Global) and distributed worldwide by AIM Global Networks of independent distributors.

Nutrients are better and more efficiently absorbed into the blood stream because of Phyto-Alkatech — A powerful complex of natural alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the alkalinity of this formulation. It uses Vegetarian V-Caps to protect and neutralize possible damage when it reaches the stomach; thus preserving the purity and potency of this breakthrough natura-ceuticals. Upon reaching the small intestines capsule 
disintegrates after 15 minutes, thus delivering needed nutrients direct to the cells faster than other leading brands.

Health Benefits of C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals:
Promotes longevity
Lowers cholesterol
Protects against heart disease and complications
Helps prevent cancer of any origin
Controls high-blood pressure
Controls blood sugar
Enhances and balances the metabolism
Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis
Enhances, nourishes, strengthens, and balances the immune system
Increases the production of inherent glutathione in our body
Rejuvinates the skin
Regenerates liver cells
Promotes healthy blood circulation
Detoxifies the body
Reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety
Enhances sexual vitality

Each capsule contains the following daily essentials:

12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend (Cranberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Bilberry, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Papaya, Orange, Grape, Pineapple)
* These fruits are juiced whole, peels and seeds included, because recent studies show’s that about 97-98% of all the nutrients that a fruit has is in its peel and seed.
* According to the World Health Organization, the human body needs at least 5 different kinds of fruits and vegetables everyday in order to remain healthy. This blend is specially formulated for Synergistic purposes. The vegetables are also juiced whole, just like the fruits.
12 Mushrooms (Cordyceps, Reishi, Shitake, Hiratake, Maitake, yambushitake, Himematsutake, Kawaratake, Chaga, Zhu Ling, Agarikon, Mesima)
* These 12 of the world’s most potent medicinal mushrooms are rich in Polysaccharides that helps prevent cancer and the spread and development of cancer cells. They are cultivated in Europe and Japan.
14 Super Green Foods/Spirulina Blend (Spirulina, Alfalfa, Barley grass, Wheat grass, Lemon grass, Dandelion, Melissa, Nettle, Blessed Thistle, Plantain, Cilantro, Blue and Green Algae, Chlorella)
* Chlorophyll, the green coloring pigment of the plant, was discovered as very beneficial because it is a good source of antioxidant.
* Spirulina is also called as a “Complete Food” by the World Health Organization.
10 Essential Fatty Acids
* It has Omega Oil 3 and 6 that dissolves harmful fatty deposits * Also known as Omega Fatty Acids, are the “Good Fats” that eliminate the “Bad Fats” in the body. The EFA’s in C24/7 come from plant sources, particularly Sunflower and Flax seed.
* EFA’s are essential in preventing heart diseases, cancer and mental retardation.
29 Vitamins/Minerals/Trace Minerals (Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, etc.)
* Our body can not produce vitamins. That is why we need food supplements.
* According to studies, vitamins are more effective when it has minerals along with it because it has a “synergistic effect”, where one won’t function effectively without the other.
* It allows the nutrients to boost each other and therefore maximize their individual effects.
18 Amino Acids
* These are the building blocks of protein. Since the body is all made up of protein, naturally it is also the building blocks of our body.
12 Digestive Enzymes
* According to studies, the mother of all kinds of diseases is constipation. The waste left in our intestines becomes toxins that cause different kinds of diseases. Good health is dependent upon good digestion.
* These enzymes are essential to the body because good health is heavily dependent on good digestion, and good digestion is totally dependent upon having sufficient enzymes in the body. Vitamins, minerals, and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. These enzymes are also needed for breaking down the fats in the body.
12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
* C24/7 enhances memory as it has Brain Boosters. This is also effective against clogged arteries and veins, and it promotes healthy blood circulation.
* These specialty nutrients work together in repairing damages in the Brain/Nervous System functions. It helps prevent degenerative brain damage and helps keep our nervous system healthy.
5 Anti-aging/Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
* Cysteine Hydrochloride – An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover)
* Coenzyme Q-10 – Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan
* Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) – Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots
* Grape Skin Extract – An excellent source of Resveratrol
* Corsitine – A very powerful anti-oxidant
4 Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blend Longevity Polyphenols
* Japanese Knotweed – An excellent source of Resveratrol
* Premium Red Wine Extract – Lengthens human Lifespan
* Grape Seed Extract – An excellent anti-oxidant Lengthens human Lifespan
* Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content) – Lengthens human Lifespan

“C247 has a unique formulation far superior to other natural products in the market.”
– Rory Mahony – President and COO, Nature’s Way

C24/7 Technology
The secret of C24/7 lies on two new technologies from Nature’s Way:
A powerful complex of natural Alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the Alkalinity of this formulation and also to protect and neutralize possible acid damage when it reaches the stomach. Thus preserving the purity and potency of this breakthrough 
Embodies the Science & Technology of the Combined Complimentary and Synergistic Effects of nature’s most powerful elements and Phyto-chemical nutrients. It has been proven over the years that many antioxidants are better taken with other anti-oxidants providing a more enhanced effects as compared to taking them alone.
C 24/7 ensures quick and efficient digestion of nutrients through the use of V-Caps! This enables the nutrients to be completely absored by our blood stream within just 15 MINUTES!!
15 minutes Absorption Rate
* Nutrients are better absorbed into the blood stream because its Vegetarian
* V-caps disintegrate 5x faster than other leading brands.


Reason’s Why Take C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals Everyday 

1.bronchial asthma
2.acute and chronic diarrhea
3.cancer and tumor formation
4.atomic dermatitis
6.rheumatoid arthritis
7.atrophic vaginitis
10.liver cirrhosis
12.bone fracture
18.cervical ulcer
19.gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
21.colon prolapsed and bower pockets
23.deafness of old age
24.diabetes mellitus (type II)
26.diabetes – insulin dependent (type I)
27.skin ulcer
28.enteritis – swelling of intestines
32.mascular degeneration
34.patients with debilitating disease
35.choletithiasis – galstones
43.benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPHI)
48.kidney disease
56.mental tiredness
57.muscle and nerve pain
58.muscular dystrophy
62.toxins in the body
63.ulcertive colitis
64.resperatory infection
65.piles external swelling
66.pils after operation
68.prolapse of the stomach
71.rheumatic heart fever
72.premenopausal syndrome (PMS)
73.systemic lupus enythromatosis (SLE)
74.shortness of breath on children
76.skin rash
77.spinal diseases
78.neuromuscular disorder
82.thyroid problem
85.brain tumor
86.toxic blood and acidosis
87.low sperm count
88.trochomonas vaginilis
89.rectal tumor
90.underweight and malnutrition
91.heast disease and complication
92.varicose veins
93.allergic rhinitis
94.weakness of lower leg
99.tumor formation
100. chronic diarrhea